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bad inventions that turned out good

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The spring kept bouncing from place to place after it hit the ground, and the slinky was born. Years later a colleague spread the substance on little pieces of paper to mark his place in his choir hymn book, and the idea was born. But amongst geniuses who literally changed the world, there are a few who came to regret creating their inventions. Thomas Edison is revered by many schoolchildren as the father of invention. Yet that was the intended use of the springs naval engineer Richard James was developing in 1943. Instead, his experiments produced a dark oily sludge. In fact, this is the story of invention. The researcher immediately requested a patent and mass-produced his product. Unfortunately, these top 10 great inventions that have gone bad is a painful proof about the frailties of man and how he can bring harm and catastrophe to himself and to others. Well, sorry to burst your safe bubble, but here are the top 10 terrible inventions. How it was created: Fleming noticed that a contaminated Petri dish he had discarded contained a mold that was dissolving all the bacteria around it. Home » Art & Creative » 41 Seemingly Crazy Ideas That Actually Turned Out To Be Life Hacks When you have a problem, there’s not always an obvious, or easy, solution. Dr. John Kellogg and his brother Keith would have fit right into today's world of new agey health fads. What she was trying to make: Sherman was assigned to work on a project to develop a rubber material that … To the chef's surprise, the customer loved them and wanted more! From that minor act of scientific sloppiness, we got one of the most widely used antibiotics today. It stuck to objects but could be pulled off easily without leaving a mark. There is a very thin line between brilliant innovation and absolute failure, as some of these inventors famously found out. And sometimes, even forgetting to wash your hands has its advantages. Blame timing, bad luck or the human foibles of their inventors – the point is that these turkeys made it a little bit easier for those that followed. Edward Jenner (not to be confused with Edwin Jenner from season one of The Walking Dead) did one of the best ‘good things’ anyone has ever done. 6Thomas Edison's Ghost Busting Machine. He realized it could be used to kill a wide range of bacteria--and penicillin was identified. The bad thing: Performing medical experiments on children and babies. As a substitute she broke sweetened chocolate into small pieces and added them to the cookie dough. What he was trying to make: Fahlberg was investigating the oxidation of o-toluenesulfonamide, whatever that means! Perkin's work with dyes inspired German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich, who used the inventions to pioneer immunology and the first chemotherapy, eventually winning a Nobel Prize. Whether you need to block out more light, spy through the blinds, or block out haters - wear them up, down, or closed with your favourite pair of sunglasses." How it was created: Fahlberg's discovery happened because he forgot to wash his hands. Inventors: Constantin Fahlberg and Ira Remsen. 3M finally agreed to distribute the Post-it Notes nationwide in 1980, a decade after Silver had first stumbled upon the formula. How it was created: After resting his hot iron on his pen by accident, ink was ejected from the pens point a few moments later. Crum lost his temper, sliced the potatoes insanely thin and fried them until they were hard as a rock. While Cassano didn't invent CDOs or CDSs, he certainly helped popularize them. What she was trying to make: Sherman was assigned to work on a project to develop a rubber material that would not deteriorate from exposure to jet aircraft fuels. The second was a spill in John Wesley Hyatt's shop. Wilson Greatbatch made a classic dumb move: pulling the wrong part out of a box of equipment. This realization led to the Not always. Only, dye was nowhere close to … Some of the most popular products we use today were accidents stumbled on by clumsy scientists, chefs who spilled things, and misguided inventors who--in the case of the glue used on Post-it Notes--were trying to create the opposite of what they ended up with. The work interested him so much he forgot about his supper until late, then rushed off for a meal with his hands all still covered in laboratory goo, as he later admitted in an interview with Scientific American. The gruel drops sizzled and crackled into flakes. Now, more than half a million of the devices are implanted every year. What he was trying to make: According to legend, the cook was simply experimenting in the kitchen. 7. Inventor: Richard Jones, a naval engineer, What he was trying to make: A meter designed to monitor power on naval battleships. By time the toy was demonstrated in front of Gimbels Department Store in Philadelphia, during the 1945 Christmas season, it was clear it would be the Tickle Me Elmo of its time. Prepare to be grossed out. When he installed it, he recognized the rhythmic lub-dub sound of the human heart. Inventor: Sir Alexander Fleming, a scientist. It turns out many of society's most well-known inventions were simply mistakes made by scientists on alternative quests. Not bad for a numskull. since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. But believe it or not, these ingenious inventions that allow us to live out our lives hassle-free were not the product of trial and error, but were created entirely by accident. The study concluded that the deaths of the young women in the plant had nothing to do with radium. He then put popcorn into the machine, and when it started to pop, he knew he had a revolutionary device on his hands. Then he did what would surely gross out any scientist passerby: He stuck his thumb in his mouth, then went back to his laboratory and tasted every beaker and dish in the lab until he found the one that contained saccharin. Microsoft was one of the first out of the gate with a consumer touchscreen product designed for potential mass appeal. What he was trying to make: Hopps was conducting research on hypothermia and was trying to use radio frequency heating to restore body temperature. Unfortunately, their inventions ended in the wrong hands. Thirty years later, they'd be as iconic to the American office as the stapler and the fax machine, with the added bonus of being great for dorm-room pranks and stop-motion animation viral videos. Sign up for a daily selection of our best stories — based on your reading preferences. In 2001, author Steve Kemper got a $250,000 advance to … He rinsed his mouth, wiped his mustache with a napkin, and found the napkin tasted sweeter, too. Edward Jenner. Invented by the U.S., or the Soviet Union, or Japan, or the U.K., but they didn't really make sense. In 1894, however, they were probably laughed at as weirdo health freaks who put visitors at their hospital and health spa in Battle Creek, Michigan, through strange health regiments that included abstaining from meat, alcohol, tobacco, and even sex. The whole concept of using a simple number to score somebody's brainpower goes back to French psychologist Alfred Binet, who developed the precursor to the IQ test in 1905. What he was trying to make: During World War II, The United States Government needed rubber airplane tires, boots for soldiers, etc. How it was created: While working away, Silver created an adhesive that was actually weaker than what already existed. Inventor: The Kellogg brothers, John and Will, What they were trying to make: A pot of boiled grain. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. As has been well-documented in history books and on the Nobel Prize website, Fleming dumped most of the dishes in a vat of Lysol. You’ll need to build a fence. Inventor: Ruth Wakefield, Owner of the Toll House Inn, What she was trying to make: Regular chocolate cookies. Once he gave a flake a taste, the cook realized his accident had created something that tasted way better than that old gruel. This principle led to the creation of the inkjet printer. Inventor: Spencer Silver, a researcher in 3M Laboratories, What he was trying to make: A strong adhesive. What he was trying to make: Ironically, Fleming was searching for a "wonder drug" that could cure diseases. The dish was covered in colonies of bacteria, except in one area where a blob of mold was growing. How it was created: The brothers accidentally left a pot of boiled grain on the stove for several days. Some of the greatest inventions in the world at one point in time received bad predictions that they would not succeed. Subscriber 10. Inventor: Patsy Sherman, a chemist for 3M. Not bad for $200 then. In 1956, Greatbatch was working on building a heart rhythm recording device at the University of Buffalo. 11 mistakes that turned out very well Following the revelation that the world renowned Stradivarius violin became the world's finest and most costly musical instrument by … But when he got to a dish containing staphylococcus, something odd caught his eye. After consulting the dictionary, a name sprung (sorry) to mind: Slinky, a Swedish term meaning "sleek and sinuous." Yes, you have serendipity to thank for a staggering amount of things in your life, ranging from delicious potato chips to the literal life-saving drug penicillin. Through experimentation they eliminated the mold part and created corn flakes. Flying tanks, it turns out, were almost a thing. Inventor: John Hopps, an electrical engineer. Only, dye was nowhere close to what he intended on making. But Morton's statement was also revealing. Inventor: Constantine Fahlberg, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University. Ecstasy. How it was created: During his experiment he realized if a heart stopped beating due to cooling, it could be started again by artificial stimulation. What he was trying to make: He was researching lysergic acid derivatives in a laboratory in Basel, Switzerland. Good luck with that, Cowboy. Instead, he had invented the opposite: an adhesive that stuck to objects but could be easily lifted off. The cereal was released as Washburn's Gold Medal Whole Wheat Flakes; soon after, an employee contest resulted in the name being changed to Wheaties, allegedly beating out Nukeys and Gold Medal Wheat Flakes, though who would have known 90 years ago that so many gold-medal winners would eventually don the box of that glorified gruel? The familiar sweetener in the pink packet was discovered because chemist Constantin Fahlberg failed to do what even a high school chemistry student knows: Always wash your hands. 6Alfred Binet's IQ Test Got Hijacked by Eugenics-Obsessed Racists. One of these 25 awesome inventions we found just might be the best thing since sliced bread. As later chronicled in the book Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World, by Simon Garfield, Perkin's invention of mauve coloring became the hit of the Paris and London fashion scenes; Queen Victoria even wore it to her daughter's wedding in 1858. While plenty of these you can't lay your hands on, not that you'd likely want to, there are some still available to buy. He had spilled a chemical on his hands in the lab that caused his bread to taste very sweet. She expected the chocolate to melt, making chocolate cookies, but the little bits stuck. How it was created: Spencer realized that the candy bar in his pocket began to melt during his experiments. More precisely, he was present at the invention of many things we use today, for which he filed lots of patents: 1,093 in the US alone. Fantastic Failures: 10 Wacky Failed Inventions From the Past Article by Delana , filed under Vintage & Retro in the Technology category There are some inventions that will forever be remembered fondly even after they are made obsolete by other technology. The beat, according to his 2001 obituary in The New York Times, reminded him of chats he had had with other scientists about whether an electrical stimulation could make up for a breakdown in the heart's natural beats. The legend behind this famous cereal's creation did actually begin with bran gruel, which was what a clumsy dietician at the Washburn Crosby Company was preparing in 1922 when he spilled some on a hot stove top. How it was created: She accidentally dropped the mixture she was experimenting with on her shoe. Lest you think this is just silly corporate legend, even the Web fact-checker Snopes.com gave this a "True" rating. Before then, pacemakers were hulking machines the size of TVs. These inventions were supposed to change the world. How it was created: While mixing a batch of cookies, Wakefield discovered she was out of baker's chocolate. Here's the scene: It's 1879, and Fahlberg was sitting in his lab, toying around with new uses for coal tar, to no great success. TNT. Mmmm, delicious bran gruel…the breakfast of champions? When he came back, he found a tough and durable material--created through a process eventually called vulcanization. Finally, a colleague named Art Fry attended one of Silver's seminars in 1974 (3M has long been known for encouraging employees to step outside of their own departments to see what people in other areas of the company are doing). The legend of the discovery of plastic says that were it not for two accidents, those might be the materials we'd be stuck with today. Inventor: Patsy Sherman, a chemist for 3M. The Post cereal company went on to make Honeycomb, Fruity Pebbles, Waffle Crisp, and lots of other sugary cereals the health-conscious Kellogg probably would have shaken his head at. Unlike the most useless inventions , which aren't so much harmful as they are just plain dumb, these inventions changed the course of history forever and are thought of by many as the worst inventions of all time. However these 16 people have taken this negative event and turned it into something far more positive. After cooking some wheat, the men were called away, as happens when you're running a busy sanatorium. How it was created: Hofmann unintentionally swallowed a small amount of LSD while researching its properties and had the first acid trip in history. Inventor: Percy Spencer, an engineer with the Raytheon Corporation, What he was trying to make: The engineer was conducting a radar-related research project with a new vacuum tube. When he grew the mold by itself, he learned that it contained a powerful antibiotic, penicillin. Think necessity is the mother of invention? In 1856, 18-year-old chemist William Perkin turned out to be quite the young prodigy, inventing synthetic dye and going on to help fight cancer. He developed his own line of products based on the cereal he ate at the clinic. That was obviously wrong, and the light bulb turned out to be a solid invention. Then Wilson Greatbach made a mistake that revolutionized medicine. When the mixture was compressed in a bamboo tube (why the cook did that we have no idea), it exploded. The industrial machine James had could coil 80 feet of wire into two inches, and hundreds of Slinkys were already being sold. That's not all, either: The Slinky has found other uses, including as an antenna by soldiers in Vietnam and as a therapy tool. 16 People Making The Best Out Of A Bad Situation With Their Casts Let’s face it, breaking a bone is never something you would call fun. How it was created: When shining light through the tubes he noted fluorescent papers in his lab were illuminated even though his machine had an opaque cover. What he was trying to make: He was interested in investigating the properties of cathodic ray tubes. While the while the rest of her shoe became dirty and stained, one spot remained bright and clean. In-Vehicle Rear-Flushing Spittoon Inventor: Dan L. Fain (U.S.) Practical as this may sound, not as many people chew tobacco or spit snot out of In 1924, Harvard University and the US Radium Company investigated the effects of radium for the first time. Lester Lefkowitz/Getty Images In 1901 aviation pioneer, Wilbur Wright made the infamous quote, "Man will not fly for 50 years." How it was created: During a test on silicon oil, Wright added boric acid to the substance. The people who were responsible for these inventions had noble intentions. He took the creation home to show his wife, Betty, who saw the potential for a new toy. Just try for a second to picture Michael Jordan posing with a slopping spoonful of semiliquid grain dripping from his chin. In 2002, then Microsoft CEO Bill Gates introduced the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, one of the first tablet devices to feature a … Year: 1879. What Happened: After spending the day studying coal tar derivatives, Fahlberg left his Johns Hopkins laboratory and went to dinner. Silver proselytized the potential uses of his new, sort-of-weak glue around 3M for years, all to deaf ears. When he returned from holiday on September 3, 1928, he began sorting through them to see if any could be salvaged, discovering most had been contaminated--as you might expect would happen in a bacteria lab in a hospital. Even the name could have gone another way. You know how when you're done with a Post-it note, you throw it in the wastebasket? pacemaker When the news got out that Edison was developing the first practical electric light bulb, not everyone was impressed. He didn't win the contest (nor did anyone, for that matter), but by 1872 his brother Isaiah coined the term celluloid to describe what was becoming the first commercially successful plastic--even used in the first motion-picture film used by George Eastman. 10. The good thing: Eradicating smallpox. 1. Can you imagine carrying water bottles made of clay or using disposable utensils made of eggs and animal blood? Get it now on Libro.fm using the button below. The one he pulled out was the wrong size, and when he installed it, the circuit it produced emitted intermittent electrical pulses. How it was created: Jones was working with tension springs when one of them fell to the ground. Then James knocked one of his new springs from a shelf and, like a kid on Christmas morning, watched it do that famous Slinky walk down instead of just hitting the ground, as Time noted in its all-time greatest toys list last year. Use some of the tips included here to help with how to deal with anger and better control your emotions. . Because … When you find yourself angry more often than is healthy, take time out to remember the good things in life—the things that we seem to forget yet bring us so much positive energy and emotions. Up to that point, dyes were made mostly of insects, mollusks, or plant material. You live in grasslands, so there aren’t enough trees to do it It was a major act of numskullery that became a major part of saving millions of lives. Greatbatch's implantable device of just 2 cubic inches forever changed life expectancy in the world. Around the mold was an area free of bacteria, as if the mold had blocked the bacteria from spreading. When they came back, the wheat had become stale, but, ever the budget-conscious hippies, they decided to force it through the rollers anyway. The first tale starts in the lab of Charles Goodyear (yes, that Goodyear), who combined rubber and sulfur and accidentally put it on the stove for a period of time. So, you want to keep your cows out of your corn in 1880s Oklahoma, do you? Even the water in his cup tasted syrupy. So, sometimes in these situations, you have no choice but to get inventive. In the competitive business atmosphere, corporations have made just as many bad decisions as they have good ones that backfired. From General Motors … It wasn’t until 1902 that the devastating power of TNT as it is better known was fully realized and it was adopted as an explosive in time for extensive use by both sides in … Advertisement. He broke a piece of bread, put it to his lips, and noticed it tasted unusually sweet. Everyone knows it's Industrial Equipment Stabilizers," it wouldn't have been quite as catchy. Inspired by a $10,000 contest to find a replacement for elephant ivory in billiard balls, Hyatt accidentally spilled a bottle of collodion, only to discover that when it dried it formed a flexible-yet-strong material. The mixture turned moldy but the product that emerged was dry and thick. Inventor: George Crum, a chef at the Carey Moon Lake House in Saratoga Springs, What they were trying to make: A plate of fried potato. Perkin was working on a creating an artificial version of the malaria drug quinine. Account active However, it wasn't until Fleming threw away his experiments that he found what he was looking for. How it was created: A cook accidentally mixed together charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter - common kitchen items 2000 years ago. Awesome inventions we found just might be a solid invention no idea ), it became a fun toy device. Author Steve Kemper got a $ 250,000 advance to … 6Thomas Edison 's Ghost Busting Machine his. He gave a flake a taste, the circuit it produced emitted intermittent electrical pulses malaria quinine. The infamous quote, `` Man will not fly for 50 years. lost his temper, the. Sweetened chocolate into small pieces and added them to the cookie dough these awesome. In a bamboo tube ( why the cook did that we have no idea ), it created... Feet of wire into two inches, and hundreds of Slinkys were already sold... Of new agey health fads Laboratories, what he was researching lysergic acid derivatives in bamboo. 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