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grand admiral thrawn

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Das konnte er jedoch nicht alleine tun, also entschied er, dass sie auf einen Verbündeten warten würden. Though he briefly left after securing the shield generator, claiming to Amidala it had been his mission, he returned to help them defeat the Separatists. Undaunted, Thrawn attempted to kill the Bendu, but by the time he fired, it was already gone. Bevor der Jedi losging, hielt Thrawn ihn zurück, da er glaubte, dies sei eine falsche Fährte. Such a path took their freighter closer to two patrol ships stationed at a repair center, but Thrawn believed the ship in the repair center had recently raided the Massoss system. [1], Thrawn's calm demeanor and suave sophisticated mannerisms masked his ruthlessness. Der Jedi-Padawan hielt mithilfe der Macht Thrawn weiter in den Armen der Purrgils gefangen. [21], Thrawn erfuhr, dass Gouvereurin Pryce das Treibstofflager auf Lothal zerstörte, um Kanan Jarrus umzubringen, was aber sämtliche Fabriken im Imperialen Komplex lahmlegte, auch die TIE-Jägerfabrik. Mit einem Wort schaffte er es die Kampfhandlungen zu unterbrechen und schaffte es nach einem kurzen Gespräch, dass sich die Angreifer zurückzogen. Escaping the damaged ship in the confusion, Thrawn triggered the Nomad's abandon ship alarm. Sie erzählte ihm, dass sie ihn einfach nur wiedersehen wollte, weil er ihr Leben vor zwanzig Jahren verändert hatte, indem er ihr Hoffnung gab. [23], Despite this setback, Thrawn's forces had inflicted heavy casualties on the two rebel groups. Moving swiftly, but not so swiftly that he would not be seen, Thrawn crossed the hangar and boarded a Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle. In Thrawn's eyes, the Wookiees were now Imperial property and had to be treated as such. After this, Vader, who had piloted a TIE defender during the battle, complimented Thrawn on the starfighter, stating he would speak to Palpatine on behalf of the project. Als die Rebellenzelle auf Lothal die imperiale Fabrik infiltrierte und die Produkte manipulierte, nahm Thrawn eine Generaluntersuchung vor und enttarnte die Rebellen. Upon debarking from the shuttle, Thrawn and the Im erials were guided by two of Palpatine's personal royal guardsmen to the throne room. Konstantine managed to trap the Iron Squadron's leader Mart Mattin and cripple his ship Sato's Hammer and attempted to use him to lure his rebel rescuers into a trap. The colonists warned him of the tyranny of the Empire and pleaded with Thrawn to bring the full force of the Chiss Ascendancy against the Empire on Coruscant. Nach dessen Ruhestand übernahm Thrawn das Kommando. Dies nutzte der Chiss um die restlichen von ihnen zu töten. After several moments of watching the vulture droid attack patterns, Thrawn was able to deduce that the vulture droids were not acting on their swarming programming but rather were being controlled directly by a transmitting base. He then traveled to Atollon aboard the Chimaera with Pryce and the captive Kallus in tow. His analytical work done, Thrawn called out to Cheno, telling him to contact Gendling to inform him of the location of the base. Accepting Thrawn's answer, Yularen returned to the matter of Thrawn's unconventional light cruiser positioning, and Thrawn explained that he had positioned the cruisers as he had in hopes of deterring any attempts by the insurgents to steal them. Sie unterhielten sich in seinem Büro über die Jedi und Macht. Thrawn disliked incompetence and shoddy craftsmanship, personally engineering the death of rebel agent Morad Sumar, who Thrawn was unaware was a rebel agent, by forcing him to ride a faulty speeder bike. Thrawn wurde als Kivu'raw'nuru (Kernname Vurawn) auf Rentor geboren. The planet was defended from space by two CR90 corvettes as well as five squadrons of V-19s dispatched from the north-polar base and two squadrons from the south-polar base, and the governor's palace was fortified by five ground-based turbolasers. Attaching the stolen hyperdrive to an aging U-wing, Captain Hera Syndulla eluded Thrawn's massive blockade by jumping to lightspeed through the hangar of an Imperial construction module, leaving Thrawn visibly annoyed. Vor einem kleinen Laden, entdeckten sie fünf Schläger, welche sie durch ein Ablenkungsmanöver ausschalteten. [23], Das Imperium unternahm unter dem Kommando von Pryce und Rukh einen Angriff auf das Lager der Rebellen. Thrawn | As they worked, Thrawn moved with Vanto and Nightswan to the cargo bay. Sie erfuhren, dass die Separatisten auf dem Planeten waren und Thrawn erkannte, dass es eine geheime Separatistenbasis auf Mokivj gab. [17], Thrawn, Yularen und Pryce gingen zum Zellenblock um den Gefangenen zu verhören, doch Kallus half Bridger bei der Flucht. Die lokale Gouverneurin, Ahrihnda Pryce, traf sich deshalb mit Großmoff Tarkin. [1], Thrawn then hired Qilori and traveled to the Lioaoin heartworld with the Pathfinder. Dieser war erfolgreich, aber Thrwan trieb absichtlich die Beschädigungen an der Springhawk in die höhe indem er das Schiff besonders tief in das feindliche Feuer fliegen ließ. Er schätzte sowohl ihre politischen als auch ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten. Prepping Vanto for the infiltration, Thrawn removed his uniform tunic and shot it to make it appear as though Vanto had killed an Imperial officer and stolen his uniform. [4], Thrawn found his service under Rossi notably more difficult than his service under Virgilio. While Thrawn's fleet succeeded in wiping out much of the rebel assault force, his plan was undermined when Commander Skerris defied his orders to cease pursuing Syndulla and created an accident, which allowed Hera and some rebels to escape to the planet's surface. Syndulla then destroyed the surveillance vessel by sending back their data feed, causing a data surge that blew the vessel apart. As time wore on and Pryce and Gudry failed to check in, Thrawn commanded Yularen to dispatch a special-duty squad to search Pryce's parents' house for Pryce, Gudry, or clues to find them. As part of Picket Force Six, he and his ship participated in an attack on the Paataatus along with Admiral Ar'alani. When the Star Wars Rebels Season Three trailer — first screened at Star Wars Celebration last month — revealed Grand Admiral Thrawn, a wave of giddy excitement washed over many Star Wars fans. Blue-black[4] Thrawn was using the technology as a means to study the era and war, and by the end of the eighteen months, he had collected two doonium-shelled Mark One Buzz Droids, a droideka, half of a STAP, and most of a hyperdrive ring. Er bekam die Erlaubnis diese anzugreifen und zu zerstören. Returning to the more pressing matter at hand, Thrawn and Wiskovis dispatched forces to Uba and Keitum to arrest the pirates and retake the tibanna gas. Rossi, however, stuck by her original statement, believing the value of tibanna to outweigh the value of lives. When the shields did not lower, Thrawn sent two more tsunamis at Scrim Island. During the Clone Wars, Thrawn utilized a lightning gun to take out B2-series super battle droids that had their armor covered in cortosis. Thrawn managed to defeat Kallus in unarmed combat. Doch Thrawn erkannte, dass es keine einfache Bäuerin war, die aus Not stahl, sondern dass es die Besitzerin des Hauses war, welche für die Rebellion und die Freiheitsbewegung auf Ryloth kämpfte. Calculating Empire Leader who can halt enemies in their tracks, and grants Empire allies a new Special ability. Pressing further, Thrawn asked Yularen to confirm Nightswan's death in the explosion. As they stood on the bridge, Cheno joked with Thrawn that he hoped the Umbarans would attack so that he and the Thunder Wasp could finally get some recognition. Tarkin informs Thrawn that the TIE Defender project is in jeopardy. He also initiated a hologram conversation with Tarkin and warned that the Phoenix Squadron and General Jan Dodonna's Massassi Group were planning to attack the TIE Defender factories on Lothal. The anomaly can appear on the following worlds: Arctic; Arid; Continental; Desert; Ocean; Tropical; Tundra; If you don't want to wait to find the anomaly, you can recruit Thrawn via the console using the command "event SW_events.1" without the … This is the official page of TK 4936 from the 501st Legion or better known as Grand Admiral Thrawn. [15], After a surge of defective vehicles at the Lothal Imperial Armory Complex, Imperial High Command dispatched Grand Admiral Thrawn to investigate the presence of subversives at the factory. Meeting on the bridge of the ship to discuss the mission with Vanto, senior comm officer Lomar, Stormtrooper Commander Ayer, and his First Officer Karyn Faro, Thrawn discussed his belief that Nightswan was behind the theft of the frigate Castilus and V-19 starfighters that had attacked the Sempre but not behind the attack itself. Speaking in Basic once more, the pirates told Thrawn that the Dromedar had been taken to Cartherston on the planet Keitum. [11] Thrawn was impressed with Skywalker's courage and cunning, while Skywalker was also impressed with Thrawn, and spoke highly of him to Chancellor Sheev Palpatine when he returned to Coruscant. Thrawn was skilled at coordinating both his ground and starfighter forces and also preferred to lead his men from the front. [6], Thrawn was physically fit and agile. Instead, he advocated engineering a trap for the traitor that would turn them into an asset of the Empire. Thrawn attempted to disable the droids with the command "Override Code Rukh," but failed. He was a brilliant military strategist, known for his anticipation of enemy attacks and his own tactical precision. [11] After several attempts and a few standard months spent on the planet, Thrawn finally managed to gain the attention of the Empire. Once the stormtroopers were sent out in search of Thrawn, he used another explosive to dispatch one in order to study the armor, while simultaneously jamming the Imperials' comms in order to distract from the sound of the explosion. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Admiral_Thrawn/Synopsis Hera then damaged the Chimaera's targeting array, briefly hid in the smoke produced by the subsequent explosion, and fired on Skerris' now vulnerable fighter, damaging its wing assembly and sending it spinning into an Arquitens-class command cruiser. Thrawn instructed Vanto to return to the bridge with the prisoner. Contacting the island, Thrawn ordered them to either lower their shields or risk the death of those operating the shoreline defenses. [36], Despite his skills as a commander, Thrawn's strategy during the Liberation of Lothal was challenged by the rebel resolve to restart the Dome's shield generators and Ezra's ingenious contingency plan of summoning a pod of space-faring purrgil to attack and carry his fleet away into uncharted space, which was a plan Thrawn had no way of predicting. Erbstück als Müll bezeichnete, wurde von Thrawn, dass es sich mit dem shuttle von zu! Rose through the grand admiral thrawn of the Galactic Empire around the time between attacks, the group,! Der Brust und Thrawn unterhielten sich anschließend über Kunst, aber Thrawn und Thalias erreichten Primea unbehelligt new from... Talk ( 0 ) Share “ to defeat an enemy, you understand a called. The fact that this starfighter would contribute to the highest level of quality Special ability per sprach. Scout-Rüstung anhatte, brachte Hera in Slavins Büro, wo er eine Vielzahl von Skulpturen, Karten Abbildungen. 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