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mao's rise to power ib

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Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung). First and Second Opium War (1856 - 1860) 66. Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Incan Empires: Essay planning, 5. He also established ‘peasant soviets’ in Jiangxi (1930) and in Yan’an (1936). It is here that Mao first became influenced by communism, joining Li Dazhao’ marxist study group and attending lectures by Chen Duxiu. Unites more than half of China under GMD. Indian independence movement: essay planning, 1. Poor weather in '59 and Mao's unwillingness to hear of the issue compound the problem.-Lushan Conference: Peng Dehua and the USSR criticize the Great Leap Forward, which puts Mao on the defensive and makes him even more unwilling to change his policies. start of Mao's rise. 1920            April                         CCP formed            Votinsky goes to China to set up the CCP  1921            Mao becomes the local CCP Party boss in Hunan  1922            Mao is dropped from the 2nd Congress, but he is kept on in the party because of his excellent military skills. Timed assessments/exams - using Exam.net, 1. Mao had been a member of the communists since 1921. Violent protest in reaction to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Mao's ideas and reforms were strongly based on the communist ideology as well as the CCP was a communist party. You can explain why some events are more significant than others in Mao’s rise to power. Start of Sino-Soviet split   Abandonment and New Measures Afterwards1959 –Mao steps down as Chairman1962 –Liu Shikai, Deng Xiaoping are supposed to fix the problem, but their kind-of NEP capitalism period (giving farming incentives like rural markets and introduce differentiated payment for skilled/unskilled workers) upsets Mao.1963- Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)– Mao's little Red Book is published1966 –Gang of Four, Red Guards         -focus on youth         Mao's "Great Swim" –he steps back into power. Origins and rise of Algeria's independence movement, 4. Second World War: Videos and activities, 4. -Centralized industrial production (results in too much specialization), -Only 2% increase a year (slower than population growth), People’s National Congress set up (ostensibly ran from bottom up, but was really top-down), Single-Party dictatorship now entrenched, all government officials were party members (1954 -, National Women’s Association and the Youth League, Gradually build economy. begins moderately, then encouraged peasants to attend and organize “Speak Bitterness” sessions. Chiang led a very modest life) (Officers were corrupt within the army, stealing etc. Internal Rebellions 64. Find their other files; Share Followers 0. Although most of the troops fighting against the North Koreans are Americans, they are UN forces, so according to treaty wording, the USSR does not have to become involved. Directrices para responder a las preguntas de la Prueba 1, Tema 11: Causas y consecuencias de las guerras del siglo XX, Tema 12: La Guerra Fría: tensiones y rivalidades entre las superpotencias (siglo XX), 1. 1926            Northern Expedition          Under the leadership of Chiang, United Front forces overthrow many provincial warlords. Still catering to small portion of the population (only top students)    •  focused on expert education, trade schools1956          Hundred Flowers Campaign         -encourages Chinese to express their opinions about the government openly. Zhou Enlai and Lui Shaoqui felt there weren’t enough tractors and fertilizers, but the Central Committee backed Mao. 1. - GMD broke up with CCP in 1927, Mao developed own brand of communism in rural areas. ATL Skills: Thinking – What features would you expect to find in a Socialist State? Get Started. Started in Moscow, under the hidden, but active involvement of the Comintern until 1949. )Technology for increase in agriculture. Henceforth, Mao's military deviations from orders seem more legitimate. )New Culture- celebrate communism and independence from RussiaResults-Damaged Industry –backyard furnaces produces worthless steel (Uranium more successful), but continued to have it be produced so as not to admit failure/damage morale. easy to set up; you can set reading, writing, discussion, and The Cold War: Videos and activities CNN Series, Topic 17: Post-war developments in the Middle East (1945–2000), Topic 05: Slavery and the New World (1500–1800), Topic 08: United States' Civil War: Causes, course and effects (1840-1877), Topic 10: Emergence of the Americas in global affairs (1880–1929), Topic 12: The Great Depression and the Americas, Topic 13: The Second World War and the Americas (1933–1945), Topic 14: Political developments in Latin America (1945–1980), Topic 16: The Cold War and the Americas (1945–1981), Topic 17: Civil rights and social movements in the Americas post-1945, Topic 07. WELCOME! reliable because he was throwing one-sided accusations at Peng in order to rid him of power and authority, and to restore Mao’s own authority. (Mao Tse-tung Biography) Mao then travels to Beijing and was then introduced to Marxism while working in the library of Peking University. PAPER 1 PAPER 2 > > PAPER 3 Review ... Mao China Rise Consolidation Policies.pptx: File Size: 5160 kb: File Type: pptx: Download File. 1945           Chinese Civil War         As the Japanese evacuate China, the conflict between the CCP and the GMD reemerges. Oct 10, 1911. –Liu Shikai, Deng Xiaoping are supposed to fix the problem, but their kind-of NEP capitalism period (giving farming incentives like rural markets and introduce differentiated payment for skilled/unskilled workers) upsets Mao. 4 Grade. The goal was for the Hunanese constitution would increase civil liberties and make his revolutionary activity easier. In what ways, and with what results, was propaganda used by one ruler of a single-party state? https://alphahistory.com/chineserevolution/rise-of-mao-zedong 1911             10 October                    Double Tenth             Uprising at Wuchang –ends the Qing Dynasty 1912             Sun Yat-sen becomes President of the Republic of ChinaThree Principles of the People -Nationalism (rid china of Western invaders) -Livelihood and the People’s Welfare, Socialism (government control of capital)-Representative Government, Democracy (Chinese collectivism) 1913            14 February            Yuan Shikai becomes President because Sun was not able to win the support of the military. Mao believed that China’s peasants, rather than its industrial workers, could lead and instigate a socialist revolution. Each student is allocated one cell, and use timelines, textbooks and websites to produce a PowerPoint … China had entered the war in 1917, anticipating the recovery of the province of Shangdon that Germany had controlled. ', -Collectivization: Individual farms –to Co-ops –to Communes (set up Mess Hall day cares so women could work too), -Cut Defense spending as of '56 to finance Communes, which form militias, -Agricultural schools increase by 27 million at same time as 90 million are send to urban industry, -backyard steel furnaces to improve rural industry (also backyard Uranium mines), -Economic planning goes to local CCP officials in February '57 (decentralization), 1.) Account for the ineffectiveness of internal opposition to two rulers of single-party states. 2. Poor weather in '59 and Mao's unwillingness to hear of the issue compound the problem. base in Shaanxi province (North-Central China). Campaigns to Eliminate Prostitution, Gambling, and Drug Addiction     -  these problems had reached epidemic proportions in urban areas    -serious offenders were executed    -the GMD was so corrupt that it spawned a black market, these criminals had close ties to nationalists, tended to be capitalists. 4 Grade. -nearly 1 million former GMD members are killed. Mao Rise to power – Todd and Waller. I am interested in this topic due to my personal family history. 1934 Long March to Yan'an Jiangxi Soviet is abandoned. Mao Consolidation of Power (Transition to a Socialist State) Lynch, The Peoples’s Republic of China since 1949. He originally propagated revolutionary literature throughout Hunan stationed in Changsha. Assess the methods used by either Nasser or Perón to remain in power. 2.To understand the significance of the Yanan period in Mao’s rise to power. What we did today -- Watched a video on Mao Zedong; wrote a short answer on what made Mao a great leader For HW -- Using both PPTs, Emergence of Mao and Emergence of Mao Part 2, answer these questions on Mao's Rise to Power Day 8: 1947         The GMD was initially successful in the north -captures Yan’an base. Nasser: Emergence of Authoritarian states, 2. 1958-62 - the peasants eould produce a surplus of food to be sold abroad. the GMD was so corrupt that it spawned a black market, these criminals had close ties to nationalists, tended to be capitalists. Chiang flees to Taiwan/Formosa, where he installs the remnants of his GMD administration, claiming to be the legitimate government of China. Origins and rise of Indian independence movement, 2. No immediate class struggle in cities    •   moved to full state ownership ( even by 1952, gross industrial and agricultural production had increased by 77%)    •   Inflation is tackled by introducing the Yuan (eliminates the old currency, hurts the middle class with savings, but stops inflation) inflation falls to 15% per year, before that it was increasing at 1,000% a yearEducation    •  80% illiterate in 1949, only 25% of kids attended school in 1949    •  1956: primary attendance rate jumps to 56%    •  Soviets help, some 600 teach at CHinese universities. Yuan agrees to most of Japan's 21 Demands, and protests are made against his leadership. It is here that Mao first became influenced by communism, joining Li Dazhao’ marxist study group and attending lectures by Chen Duxiu.  |  In 1920, Mao stumbled upon Professor Chen. of the Communist Central Committee and becomes a Chairman of the. Nations affected by Cold War tensions: US, 5. To understand how Mao rose to power in China, you will have to go back to 1921–1923 when Mao was a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Palmer Colton Reading China Questions.docx: File Size: 13 kb: File Type: docx: Download File. disease, famine, and enemy attack, Mao leads Red Army through six thousand, miles of rivers, swamps, forests, and mountains to reach its new base in the city of. Your highest score will be saved onto a leaderboard so … Mao's Rise To Power (1911-1949) By jingtingcheah. Mao is also put back in the Central Committee. Source Pack: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao This sourcepack comes complete with questions and is broken up logically into sections relating to three key periods leading to the rise of Mao. - believed that violence was necessary for revolution to occur. The Cultural Revolution. Mao's "Great Swim" –he steps back into power. Also, Chaing's wife was educated in America –this will put the GMD in good favour with the US)              Right-wing elements of the GMD led by Chiang conspire with provincial warlord allies to purge left-wing leaders. (Szczepanski) In 1918, Mao Tse-tung graduated as a certified teacher. 3: China - Mao 3.1: Mao's rise to power 1949 3.2: Mao's consolidation of power 1949-1955 3.3: Mao's economic and social policies 4: Germany - Hitler 4.1: The emergence of the authoritarian state in Germany 1919-1934 4.2: Hitler's consolidation of power … Mao promoted economic improvement through development of communism. 3: China - Mao 3.1: Mao's rise to power 1949 3.2: Mao's consolidation of power 1949-1955 3.3: Mao's economic and social policies 4: Germany - Hitler 4.1: The emergence of the authoritarian state in Germany 1919-1934 4.2: Hitler's consolidation of power … Legal 13. Rise to Power. 4e shows the case of ʻ10 – 7ʼ. Facebook reliable because he was throwing one-sided accusations at Peng in order to rid him of power and authority, and to restore Mao’s own authority. The ATL on this page are for students to investigate the key themes connected with Mao's rise and consolidation of power and the nature of his rule.The key details of Mao's rule are covered under Topic 14: The People's Republic of China (1949 - 2005). Agriculture is too regionalized –not enough central direction-Lysenkoism –Socialist farming techniques (close planting) that don't work damage harvests.-Man-made famine –inflated figures claimed by villages meant that too large a % of grain went to the state. Compare and contrast the domestic policies of two rulers of single-party states, each chosen from a different region. Student access is Communists (Second United Front) against the Japanese. 1936                  Xi'an Incident         Chiang needs support of warlord Zhang Xueliang, but Zhang refuses because he wants to fight Japan, not the CCP (+He admired Mao's tactics). Idea for CCP            Started in Moscow, under the hidden, but active involvement of the Comintern until 1949. Nasser: Consolidation and maintenance of power, 4. CCP forces h completely overwhelm GMD armies. The united communist forces execute a successful counterattack, forcing UN troops to retreat. Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Incan Empires: Videos, 5. Redistribution follows and establish mutual aid teams to share equipment and labor-40% of China's arable land is redistributed to 60% of the population-landlords who “confessed” their wrong-doings and gave over their land are saved, others are killed       Marriage Reform Law     -Ends arranged marriages and concubinage. Second World War - Causes Part II Asia (ATL), 5. We regret that our free trials are only available for IB schools. 1927            Chiang Kai-shek marries the sister of Sun's wife. Students will be able to explain the methods used in Mao's rise to power DRILL: What makes a great leader? The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, 2. Fling the Teacher! Learning Objectives: 1.To assess the key events between 1911-34 that led to Mao’s rise to power. The first of those is the initial three years when Mao and Zhu De, the commander in chief of the army, successfully developed the tactics of guerrilla warfare from base areas in the countryside. B) Compare and contrast Mao´s rise to Stalin´s rise to power. Soviets help, some 600 teach at CHinese universities. In 1927 he lead the Autumn Harvest Uprising. He kidnaps Chiang, who is released after two weeks when he agreed to ally with the Communists (Second United Front) against the Japanese. Nations affected by Cold War tensions: USSR, Leaders and nations: Essay writing exercises and essay frames, Leaders and nations: Graded student examples, Cold War crises: Essay writing exercises and essay plans, 1. But be warned - it's … USSR gets to use Chinese resources and naval bases. P2 - Mao’s Rise to Power 56. His two great campaigns had aimed to democratize socialism, but the result was to identify him not with democratization but with personal dictatorship and ruthless coercion.” [28] … IB History Paper 2 Authoritarian States notes, focusing on Mao and Hitler. Includes historiography to help you ace the exam and get a high 7! Grouped into the following categories: Mao's rise to power, Mao in power, Hitler's rise to power, Hitler's consolidation of power, Hitler's totalitarian control … 1951-52         Three Antis (focused on government)      Attempt to remove corruption, waste and bureacratism; 10% of gov’t officials fired, intimidation tactics, not many deaths          Five Antis (focused on industry)      Targets bribery, tax evasion, fraud, theft… mostly results in fines for businesses (75% of businesses  fined) 1953                  The First Five Year Plan (1953-57)         -Centralized industrial production (results in too much specialization)         -Builds Anshan Steel Centre (like Soviet's Magnitogorsk, not good quality)         -90% of government spending is in industry         -Builds bridges across Yangxi to increase flow of goods from North to South         (Financed by $300million loan from USSR in Sino-Soviet treaty. Chiang Kai-shek emerges as leader of the GMD. -Lysenkoism –Socialist farming techniques (close planting) that don't work damage harvests. Mao’s rise to power was long and unsteady, but his ascent first caught international attention during the Long March, which started 1934 (Naden 129). Treaty of Panmunjom, which split the peninsula into the communist north and the. He had experience in politics working for the KMT as, and was university educated. Yuan Shikai becomes President because Sun was not able to win the support of the military. 13. He encouraged land redistribution, even telling peasants to kill their richer landlords. End of the First United Front and the beginning of a bitter rivalry between the CCP and the GMD. La monografia: Aplicación de los criterios A-D, 3. Members of the CCP were instructed by the Comintern to work with the GMD to bring China under a single nationalist government - First United Front. Graded student examples with one case study, 2. However, the land went to the Japanese, who had entered the war in 1914. Japanese invasion of Manchuria. You can analyse the different events and reach a judgement comparing different events to explain which is the most significant. 1950                  Campaign against Counterrevolutionaries         -nearly 1 million former GMD members are killed           Korean War (1950-53)         At the promting of Stalin, Kim Il Sung of North Korea launches an offensive on South Korea to unite the peninsula under communist rule.  |   How was ideology important in Mao's rise to power?Through a focus on revolutionising peasants, Mao was able to gain many more followers (as most of the country was made up of peasants). Although he was defeated, it marked the first rural peasant uprising. 1957                  Great Leap Forward (1957-62)Background-Mao wants to equalize industry and agriculture, thus improving the 'socialist conscious. CAUSATION: Analyse the factors that enabled Mao to rise to power in China by 1949. 1966-76. Methods used and reasons for success in Indian independence movement, 3. (He now appears to be the 'true hier' of Yat-sen although Sun Yat-sen's widow sides with the CCP. 5 Grade. Yuan's subsequent reorganization of the provincial governments after his victory set the precedent for warlords by designating an army to each provincial governor. 1928         Hedged in by enemy forces in the mountains, Mao is largely cut off from CCP and Comintern. Front forces overthrow many provincial warlords. PAPER 2, AUTHORITARIAN & SINGLE PARTY STATES: - Notes on Mao's rise to power. How was ideology important in Mao's rise to power?Through a focus on revolutionising peasants, Mao was able to gain many more followers (as most of the country was made up of peasants). 1949           September                 Temporary constitution –'Organic Law'                   -military rule with 6 military districts          1 November            PRC Formed           December         CCP forces h completely overwhelm GMD armies. Mao is also put back in the Central Committee. He becomes self-proclaimed "Emperor", thus losing of his power base, as the military felt he would be less dependent on them after his assumption of the monarchy. Mao wanted to remove Lin from his power which was mot easy According to official Chinese records, Lin was planning a coup against the government however the plan was uncovered Lin and his family fled the country but died in a plane crash that they had boarded in Mongolia in September 1971 The power then went back to Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai In order to carry out subtraction, the minuend is used as the threshold. P2 - Mao’s Rise to Power 56. The case of Chile stands out due to the highly interventionist nature of the United States in the nation’s democratic political progression; this piece will consider the importance of US involvement in the rise and fall of Salvador Allende, and discuss whether it was the most crucial catalyst for Augusto Pinochet’s rise to power. Fig. Mao promoted economic improvement through development of communism. Hence, Mao was credited for forging the Second United Front in 1937, allowing the CCP to establish stronger nationalist credentials than the GMD, leading to Mao's rise Therefore, it can be seen that both Mao and Hitler were able to present themselves as the saviour of their respective countries, rallying the nation against a common enemy, allowing them to rise to power Although Mao was not one of the initial, organizers of the march, he takes command of the Communist forces after the first, three months and set the army’s destination for a distant communist. Economic and Social Policies 61. Mao's Rise to Power "The Japanese are a disease of the skin, the Communists are a disease of the heart" - Jiang Jieshi "All power grows out of the barrel of a gun" - Mao Zedong; Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. He takes out massive loans to support his government. 1911 Revolution Uprising in Wu Chang which marks the end of the Qing Dynasty rule and established the Republic of China Ended 12th February 1912 Feb 12, 1912. Chinese Civil War: Videos and activities, Cuban Revolution: Essay planning for Paper 2, 4. These questions relate to the collectivization programmes introduced in China after 1952 by. Mao's policy on women Mao focused a lot on equality from the moment he gained power. This gives rise to the final current of ~157 pA, which corresponds to EPSC15. In 1930, after a failure to stop the CCP, the GMD surrounded the CCP stronghold. He began to campaign against the GMD using bribes and double agents. Mao believed that China’s peasants, rather than its industrial workers, could lead and instigate a socialist revolution. Account for the ineffectiveness of internal opposition to two rulers of single-party states. 1972          Détente with the US         Mao invites Nixon to come to the PRC    1976            6 September             Mao dies at the age of 81, Uprising at Wuchang –ends the Qing Dynasty, -Nationalism (rid china of Western invaders), -Livelihood and the People’s Welfare, Socialism (government control of capital), -Representative Government, Democracy (Chinese collectivism). No immediate class struggle in cities, 1952, gross industrial and agricultural production had increased by 77%), Inflation is tackled by introducing the Yuan (eliminates the old currency, hurts the middle class with savings, but stops inflation) inflation falls to 15% per year, before that it was increasing at 1,000% a year, 80% illiterate in 1949, only 25% of kids attended school in 1949, 1956: primary attendance rate jumps to 56%. 14. Fear ofoppositiom within the CCP, age, paranoia, ideology, guilt from the … Both had proved destructive, demoralizing, … Collectivization was more gradual in China (Mao didn’t need violence forcing collectivization like Stalin did). Guidelines for answering Paper 1 questions, Topic 02: Causes and Effects of Medieval Wars, 6. Second World War: Essay planning for Paper 2, 7. The specific research questions is to what extent did social and political conditions lead to Mao’s rise to power. 11 Imperial Decline in Japan Post-WWI Japan Japanese Expansion World War: Videos, 5 02: Causes and of... Years, and protests are made against his leadership provided with a blank version of grid! Involved as US troops push past the Yalu River the provincial governments after his victory set precedent.: Research and referencing tips, 3 a Socialist state ) Lynch, minuend... Imperial Decline in Japan Post-WWI Japan Japanese Expansion World War: Videos and activities,.. 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