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@mizunami0324 on a pure assault to @MsTPrice! Hardy with a headbutt and another Twist of Fate attempt. The Butcher and The Blade & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) (w/The Bunny & Matt Hardy). Rose is mad and hits a Beast Bomb and tells Guerrero “Vickie lets go.” Velvet pins Wrenkowski for the win. Nakazawa with a big elbow followed up by a big spear. Nemeth with an eye rake forces a break. Alanis tags in and takes out Bowens and hits a spinebuster on Caster. Statlander with a quick headlock takedown. 5 not having it and pushes him. Price baits Mizunami in and drop toeholds her into the ropes. I’m going to take your title and the paycheck that comes with it. #DarkOrder's @YTAlexReynolds & @Alan_V_Angels promise to give @ScorpioSky & @OfficialEGO one more thing to "cry about" tonight on #AEWDarkElevation. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Limelight tries for a sleeper, but 10 counters into the full nelson for the submission victory. Hangman @theAdamPage brings the heat in your opening match! Dragonrana counter off the brainbuster attempt from Janela! Janela stops a standing mariposa, but Sydal slams Janela down and gest it off. What a counter by @SwoleWorld! He says their bond is unbreakable and payback is coming for Sky and Ethan Page. Sydal and Janela now trading strikes. “Skin is in.” Everyone gets their pinkies in. Bowens starting off strong, but Gray tagging Bowens with a dropkick. . “I didn’t sell out. – Nemeth, Avalon and Bononi are backstage. Mizunami still gets off the bodyslam. Velvet hits a series of stomps in the corner and keeps the boot in the corner and stirs it up. D3 counters a suplex from Quen as Fuego comes in and takes on Private Party. Your on my hit list!”, Matt Sydal & Mike Sydal vs. Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky. Page tags in, but Reynolds tags hi with a punch and tags in 5. – Schiavone and Wight preview one of tonight’s main event before taking it to match two. He re-enters and trades wristlocks before tagging Taylor with a few thunderous chops. Mike fighting back and tries to reach for the tag. Morales keeping control of Nakazawa’s wrist, but Nakazawa pushes him off top. Double drop toehold and a splash from 5. The Acclaimed hit Acclaim to Fame for the win. 5 fights out of it as Page tags in while Sky applies a kneebar on 5 preventing him from tagging out. Sydal hits the Lightning Spiral for the win. Tope Suicida on Sky! Mizunami with Machine Gun Chops as Rick Knox calls for a break. Shotgun boot takes out Sky. 10 with a pump kick for a two count. 10 gets the boot up in the corner and gets a second-rope lariat. Nova tags in as Nova sends Hirsch head first in the corner for a two count. Statlander counters a lariat into a backbreaker. Back in the ring, Page with a flurry of boots. Limelight trying to go for the arm again, but 10 counters with a roll up. Gray tags in and tries to go up top, but Bowens pushes Alanis onto Gray. Watch #AEWDarkElevation NOW here ➡️ https://t.co/kmmBZGxNGK pic.twitter.com/LQgWaD90MC, — All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) April 6, 2021. 5 with an Irish Whip, but Sky catches Page. Saved searches. Matt Sydal (w/ Mike Sydal) defeated Joey Janela (w/ Sonny Kiss) (10:39) This was another pretty good match to end this week's show as Janela and Sydal worked well together. Reynolds notes that while 5 is Dark Order, he’s not John Silver. Watch #AEWDarkElevation NOW here ➡️ https://t.co/kmmBZGxNGK pic.twitter.com/TzLnP3uEdZ. Sky tags in as 5 flips out of a suplex. I'm here to make money, and I am also here to come after that TNT title" – @MATTHARDYBRAND sends a message to the TNT Champion @DarbyAllin. D3 pressured in the corner as Matt Hardy Office cut the ring in half. Reynolds and Page tag in as Reynolds takes out Sky with a boot. Chuck Taylor (w/Trent) vs. Rey Fenix (w/Penta El Zero Miedo). Fenix escapes but runs into an arm drag takedown taking him out of the ring. Big arm drag followed up by a walk on the ropes for another arm drag for a two count for Morales. Watch #AEWDarkElevation Now at https://t.co/qXHyDuH8jl – and don't miss the 1st time ever match between #DeathTriangle's @PENTAELZEROM vs. @orangecassidy this Wednesday 8/7c on #AEWDynamite! Vickie Guerrero’s “excuse me” interrupts him.” Guerrero invites Roberts in the middle of the ring as Wight warns him not to. Sydal hit the Lightning Spiral for the win. Search query Search Twitter. You’re podcast sucks Colt. Diamante hits a standing Sliced Bread, Nova covers, but Mizunami breaks it up. Comoroto hits a military press powerslam for the win. Morales grabs the headset and starts getting some offense going. Pillman comes charging in with a lariat on Bravo and a scoop slam on Alexander. Dark Order’s more a force than your comedy… “You getting cancelled like your podcast. Ryzin sent into the corner as Nemeth tries to feed off the boos and does some hip shakes before a corner spear. “We see through your make-ship partnership.”. Mizunami misses the final chop, and Price bites Mizunami’s arm! Janela went to the top for the elbow, but Sydal got his knees up. “Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page” is Page’s idea. Ego’s Edge from Page gives Page and Sky the win. Nemeth now in full control as he applies the double wristlock and does a handstand while doing so. They then trade forearm shots. Colt fires in a series of chops. Mizunami now firing in leg drops for a two count. Big Swole & Red Velvet vs. Madi Wrenkowski & Nyla Rose (w/Vickie Guerrero). Matt Sydal and his brother Mike are rising through the ranks in AEW's tag team division. He sets him up for a kick on the second turnbuckle. Nakazawa pushes referee Rick Knox into Morales. just creating opportunities over here. Archer sets Black up on top for the Blackout for the win. – AEW “Rising Star” vignette with Leyla Hirsch as she tells her journey to AEW. “Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky” is Sky’s idea. 5 tries his best Silver impression, but he says the real focus is their opponents Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. Caster slams Colt to the corner and slams in down right on the left arm but only gets a series of two count. He ducks a lariat and fires in a barrage of offense. – Colt leaves the ring before the match starts and drags in Evil Uno for back up to counter Anthony Bowens. Mike says he’s a Sydal so he “bends and does not break” no matter what is thrown at him. – Dasha is backstage with Mike and Matt Sydal. Hirsch throws Nova across the ring and tags in Mizunami who fires in shoulder blocks on Diamante and Nova. Forward of current status of Matt Sydal at AEW Matt Sydal, also known as Evan Bourne from WWE, was born as Matthew Joseph Korklan, on March 19, 1983 in St. Louis, Missouri. Matt Sydal on Twitter: “For my next match, all banana peels will be banned from ring side. Colt tries to charge in, but Caster uses the ropes to back off Colt. Matthew Lee Cappotelli (November 12, 1979 – June 29, 2018) was an American professional wrestler.After co-winning Tough Enough III with John Hennigan, he worked in Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW), the primary developmental territory for WWE.He ended his career due to a malignant brain tumor He comes back in for a cover for a one count. 5 blind tags in. Sydal firing in kicks, but Janela tags Sydal with a punch. I came to make money and to take your TNT Title. Statlander boops Remsburg as she tries to boop Price, but Price is having none of it. Wrenkowski gets Velvet up in the fireman’s carry and slams her down. Bowens then slams Gray’s neck right on the top rope. Penta wipes out Cassidy with a thrust kick as a group of referees try to break things up. Nakazawa grinding his junk on Morales as he hits the tombstone for the win. Price ducks a kick and hits one of her own. D3 and Butcher start things off as Butcher shows off his power early on. Sydal countered Janela into a hurricanrana. Nakazawa gets Morales in the Hentai Slide and follows up with a running elbow for two. – Max Caster drops a diss rap on Colt Cabana. Price evades from the corner and tries for a cartwheel kick. Mizunami with a big spear for the win. , Tune into Elevation Now at https://t.co/60xiYtMwH9 and every Monday at 7/6c on https://t.co/lBSV4rTE11 pic.twitter.com/YIUBcx138j, Adrian Alanis & Liam Gray vs. Statlander catches Price with a powerslam. Janela catches Sydal off the corner and hits a Death Valley Driver, cover 1-2-no! Sky and Page keeping the pressure on Mike as they cut in the ring in half. Plus Matt is established enough that he's always a threat to be taken seriously, but you also have Mike who can eat a pin as needed. Sydal counters the elbow drop by getting the knees up. Sky ducks a lock up and talks trash. VSK tries to fire back with a chop. Janela goes outside as he escapes the arm drag takeover. Diamante vs. Hirsch is official for next week’s Dark. Sydal hit a knee but Janela came right back with a clothesline. Big head scissors and Colt tries for a monkey flip, but Bowens holds onto Caster’s tights. Taylor send into the corner. Tonight's final Main Event is up NEXT on #AEWDarkElevation, as @JANELABABY goes one-on-one with Matt Sydal (@findevan), Tune into Elevation Now at https://t.co/60xiYtuVPB and every Monday at 7/6c on https://t.co/lBSV4sbfpB pic.twitter.com/FAXoCX9fBM. Sydal and Janela trading holds to start off. Diving splash on the ropes from 5 followed up by a standing Sliced Bread for another two count from 5. Taylor rises up and hits a knee lift to escape the hold, but Fenix meets Taylor with a big dropkick. Sky with clubbing blows on 5 and stomps on his head. Caster applying a cravat as Gray tries to fight out of it. Late in the match Matt Jackson dodged … #TheAcclaimed are BACK on #AEWDarkElevation! Matt and Mike Sydal were out next, followed by Stu Grayson and Evil Uno. Page with a flurry, but Collier catches a boot and lands a huge shot to the chin. Wight sits down with John Silver as he talks about starting out his wrestling career at 14 and his early tag team with Alex Reynolds as The Beaver Boys. . @ScorpioSky & @OfficialEGO are in search of a new tag team name. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Matt Hardy & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) defeat Matt Sydal & Top Flight (Darius Martin & Daunte Martin) (11:59) AEW Dynamite #69 - TV-Show @ Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida, USA 18 Matt with a big kick to the head for a two count. He calls for one more, but missies. All Rights Reserved. pic.twitter.com/PM2YEQztn3, — All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) April 26, 2021. Gracia getting into position as the match starts. Double hair and ear tug as Ryzin gets a shot in on Ryzin. Russian Leg Sweep from Alexander then a double dropkick only gets a one count. Colt baits Caster in the corner who hits the turnbuckle. – We get the debut of “Showcase” with Paul Wight. Morales ducks a lariat and sends Nakazawa outside. Janela hits an elbow drop. Pop up knee strike from Reynolds. 5 reaching for a tag, but Page sends him into his corner and tags in Sky. Swole and Wrenkowski lock up as Swole hits a snapmare into a kick to the back. Swole with a series of kicks. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Winners: Varsity Blondes (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison. 5 fighting back with left hand punches. Swole locks in a Camel Clutch and fires in a big strike. During tonight’s episode of Dynamite, Baker was shown discussing her position in the AEW Women’s roster rankings, noting that since Red Velvet lost to Jade Cargill earlier in the show, she should be ranked second. Page doesn’t like it. Morales with a kick up then a lariat, but Nakazawa is still up. Page tags Reynolds with a right hands. Twitter Events May 15 Nashville, Tennessee IMPACT Wrestling Under Siege May 16 Tampa, FL WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021 May 30 Jacksonville, FL AEW Double Or Nothing 2021 Jun 6 Atlanta, GA NWA When Our Shadows Fall Jun 20 Dublin, Ireland NXT UK TakeOver: Dublin Sydal whips Janela into the ropes and hits an uppercut. The Young Bucks successfully defeated Matt and Mike Sydal on this week's edition of AEW Dynamite. Page tags in and continues the pressure on 5 as Reynolds tries to get the crowd going. Allure catches Swole with a kick to the mid-section. “You’re a legend. He takes time for the “Everybody dies part” of his theme before getting started. Sky takes out Reynolds. 5 takes out Sky, but Page runs him through with a shoulder tackle. He does so with a jawbreaker, but Caster catches him with a pumphandle suplex. Colt flips him for a pin for a two count. The Bunny laying in some extra shots as the referee is distracted. Sky tags in and stomps on 5 in the corner. Alexander throws his fur coat and sunglasses at Cassidy. Page with a series of lariats leading to the Buckshot Lariat for the win. Price expressing frustration at the two count. Varsity Blondes combine for a drop toehold / double stomp for a two count. Matt calls Scorpio Sky “a phony and a fake”. Colt goes up top and double hops for a splash for the two count. Statlander catches Trent off the trust fall. Caster taking too much time playing to the crowd as Colt fires in more right hands. He talks about their origins with AEW and them getting recruited into Dark Order. Price with a series of kicks. He also notes that he can start making money again after losing out on his first quarter earnings. Fenix hits a thrust kick soon after and gets a two count on the cover. Cassidy ducks a lariat and hits the Orange Punch for the win. Caster runs into a hip attack, pin for a two count. Mizunami runs through Diamante and Nova knocking them both down. Price grabbing the hair after escaping a bodyslam. . Velvet tags in and catches Wrenkowski with a leg lariat. Rose starting to get going as Wrenkowski calls for a tag. Fenix quickly drops Taylor and tries to apply a submission, but Taylor reverses it. Page tags in. Luther kicked out, but Sydal kept the arms trapped into a submission. Adam Page "Hangman", Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Matt Sydal, Darby Allin, Penta El Zerom M, Brian Cage, Orange Cassidy, Dustin Rhodes, Penelope Ford, Kris Statlander, QT Marshall, Mike Sydal … Janela with a hammer throw into the corner, cover but Sydal kicks out at two. Baker praises Gracia for getting her own entrance. Price with some trash talking to start out as Mizunami over powers Price on the lock up. – Rebel hands Britt Baker a mic before the match. Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s live coverage of AEW Dark: Elevation, which will air at 7:10 PM EST on AEW’s YouTube Channel. Reynolds with a big punch then a neckbreaker, cover, but Page kicks out at two. We’ve had a really interesting dynamic over the years. Bowens fires in heavy shots on Gray as Caster tags in and keeps the pressure up. Partners no more? Drake enters in with his new shirt from last week. Wight asks Silver about his early memories with Brodie Lee. – Sky and Page are backstage with Dasha as Sky are trying to figure out tag team names. All Rights Reserved. Varsity Blondes with an assisted dropkick / powerbomb for the win. He says they’re scared of The Murderhawk Monster. 5 with a kick to the knee, but he runs into a powerslam. – Post-match: Jake leaves commentary with a mic. Alexander and Garrison start this matchup off with Garrison getting the better of the lock-up exchange. ” ... Sydal is amazing and will blow away anyone who's not familiar with him with his first match or two. Janela caught Sydal into a DVD for another close pinfall. Matthew Joseph Korklan (born March 19, 1983), better known by the ring name Matt Sydal, is an American professional wrestler currently signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW).. Bravo tags in and quickly targets the left knee. He says he didn’t have time to ask Paul Wight a question on commentary. Diamante hits a suplex, lateral press for a two count. – Post-match: Diamante attacks Hirsch as Mizunami provides an assist running her off. Mizunami tags in and lays in a heavy shot on Nova. 10 showing off his power taking Limelight all around the ring and slamming him all over. Hardy now going at the neck of 5 as he uses the ropes as leverage. Snapmare roll through as she tries to boop Price but Price again is having none of it and slaps Statlander’s hand away. A Win for @ReyFenixMx…and a "cheap shot" by Penta. – Post-match: Best Friends, Cassidy and Statlander give the people what they want with a zoom out hug. Lock Jaw is locked in, and Gracia taps out. Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s live coverage of AEW Dark: Elevation, which airs every Monday at 7 PM EST on AEW’s YouTube Channel. SHOWCASE with @PaulWight – Special Guest #JohnSilver of the #DarkOrder.Watch #AEWDarkElevation NOW here Rightwards arrow https://t.co/kmmBZGxNGK pic.twitter.com/bsSmUxbxyg. Black with a few chops, but Archer is unfazed and pounces on Black. Dr. @RealBrittBaker D.M.D. He notes no one is asking them for a match. Hardy going for the Twist of Fate, but 5 counters. Archer takes the mic. Bowens tags in, and The Acclaimed hit a double suplex for a two count. Caster keeping the pressure on Gray cutting the ring in half. Price goes at Statlander’s knee and hits a dropkick. He gets a boot up in the corner and fires in elbows, a jawbreaker and a dropkick, but he runs into a big lariat. 5 with a series of kicks as Hardy is on one knee. Nemeth hits the Rude Awakening for the win. Top rope Meteora from Sydal only gets Sydal a two. Standing Sliced Bread from Angels, cover but Sky breaks it up. Rose tags her in and slams her in the ring. Mizunami providing an assist on the senton, cover, but Diamante breaks it up. Colt countering with pins, but Caster with a big lariat to remain in control as he uses the ropes for leverage on the hammer lock. Mike tags in, but Page fires in punches at The Sydal’s. He says there’s nothing but respect for Sting. Sydal firing in elbows. Colt trying to fight back, but Caster going right back to the arm. Diamante with a double choke, but Mizunami fires through and tags in Hirsch. Hirsch with a double knee strike and a senton. A “Sting” chant breaks out. Collier fighting his way to the top. Twitter. Nakazawa says it’s over, but Morales with a roll up then a thrust kick. He regards to Sting, he says “why not” when people ask why they’re bothering Sting. Hardy hits Side Effect for a two count. Page shares one with Collier and takes a drink. Janela tags Sydal with a high kick and hits Sydal with a brainbuster on the apron! Reynolds now ducks a lock up and does some trash talking. He argues with Rick Knox as he hits a big elbow followed up by a chop. Hardy ducks a kick and tries for the Twist of Fate again, but 5 counters again into a backslide for a two count. He ducks a lariat and hits a fallaway slam. – Schiavone and Paul Wight welcome us to Dark: Elevation once again and preview tonight’s show. RUNNING TIME: 2 Hours 2 MinutesHosted by Don Tony Note: 0:0:10 and 1:38:00 – Don Tony ‘Indy Wrestlecrap’ footage from 2008 begins Here is your ‘Ask Me Anything Q&A w/ Don Tony’ episode recorded live on YouTube 05/06/2021. Allure charges in the corner, but Swole counters with a huge Uranagi. – Post-match: QT calls for one more, and Comoroto hits one more military press powerslam. Referee Aubrey Edwards admonishes Uno as Caster slams Colt’s head on the boom box and rolls him up for the win. Janela now applying a cravat. Hirsch applies the cross armbreaker on Nova, and Nova taps out. Avalon wants “a nice rotation.” Avalon unbuttons a button on Drake’s shirt. Page tags in and lays in heavy shots on Mike as he targets the left knee. Matt firing in kicks then takes out Page with a leg lariat. Guerrero admits it pains her to introduce the “distasteful” Madi Wrenkowski as she also introduces “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose. Swole hits a Tiger Bomb then transitions into a Texas Cloverleaf, and Allure quickly taps out. Price hits the enzuigiri but runs into a lariat for a two count. Garrison escapes a double suplex attempt and tags in Pillman. The former hasn't been able to team up with his brother for a … He says Sting inspires everyone. Janela powers his way to the ropes. Rose catches one, but Swole counters with a Gamengiri. Wight asks Silver about his TNT Championship match against Darby Allin. Alexander catches Garrison with a chop block. Page drags Mike out and targets the knee slamming his knee on the side apron. Be sure to give your thoughts about tonight’s show in the comments section below. Bowens tags him with a kick, but Alanis runs the ropes and hits a slingblade neckbreaker for a two count. Janela ducks a kick as Janela and Sydal take each other out with a lariat. 174.2k Followers, 2,878 Following, 887 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sydal, Matt (@mattsydal) Price sets up Mizunami for the cartwheel kick in the corner then a bulldog for a two count. Drop your suggestions below , Watch #AEWDarkElevation Now at https://t.co/qXHyDuH8jl – and every Monday at 7/6c on https://t.co/lBSV4sbfpB pic.twitter.com/EKDYtSz9Gj, Tesha Price vs. Kris Statlander (w/Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy & Trent). For once it's a tag team that doesn't seem like a waste of Matt, plus the always underrated Mike gets to shine too. Bowens tags in while Sky applies a side headlock, but Hardy 5... Their way outside of the ring and the Blade did n't want to wait till the bell Janela. Janela stops a standing mariposa, but Page fires in shoulder blocks on Diamante and matt sydal twitter knocking both... Dasha is backstage with Mike and matt Sydal and his brother Mike are rising the! Was Sydal ’ s mid-air counter of a piledriver and hits a German suplex in the corner slams... Mizunami over powers price on the bottom turnbuckle a button on Drake ’ s more a than. Went to the arm drag takeover in their favor Hirsch gets off a quick as. 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