(Let me die like a worm) ANNOUNCEMENT!! I am the rich man who begs for more disciple.ffm.to/llks. I am the hate I am the whore I am the war Give me the penalty that you deserve for these crimes against humanity I am your genocide He who knew no sin has become sin for us For those of you that were planning on see … I'm everything that you did, [Chorus:] (What I have become), [Chorus:] Is what you are no longer I am your kiss Reanimate, reanimate innocence, I am the thief Give me the penalty that you deserve for these crimes against humanity Reanimate, reanimate innocence (Romans 5:19, 1 Corinthians 6:11) I am the thief I am the whore I am the rich man who begs for more I am your every lie I am your every sin I am your kiss I’m everything that you did He who knew no sin has become sin for us He who knew no sin has become sin for us He who knew no sin has become sin for us Lyrics to "Reanimate" by DISCIPLE: I am the war / I am the rape / I am the violence / I am the hate / I am your genocide / I am your child defiled / I am the skin / I'm everything that you did / [Chorus:] / Give me the penalty that you deserve for these crimes against humanity / (Let me … Love Letter Lockdown, our live stream performance event will be on Saturday May 9... with a VIP acoustic performance on Friday May 8!!! (Let me die like a worm) (No longer) Disciple - Reanimate Lyrics : I am the war I am the rape I am the violence I am the hate I am your genocide I am your child defiled I am the skin I'm everything that you did Give me the penalty that you deserve for these crimes against humanity (Let .. Every single thing that I abhor is what I have become 53:22. He who knew no sin has become sin for us I am your every lie (What I have become) I am your child defiled (What I have become) He who knew no sin has become sin for us I am the rape He who knew no sin has become sin for us, [Chorus:] Reanimate Lyrics: I am the war / I am the rape / I am the violence / I am the hate / I am your genocide / I am your child defiled / I am the skin / I'm everything that you did / Give me the penalty "Reanimate" - Got a favorite track yet? Related Videos. Disciple lyrics - 181 song lyrics sorted by album, including "Misery", "The Ballad Of St. Augustine", "Dear X (You Don't Own Me)". Reanimate, reanimate innocence Give me the penalty that you deserve for these crimes against humanity Reanimate, reanimate innocence. I'm everything that you did, [Bridge:] Is what you are no longer No longer I am the skin New album 'Love Letter Kill Shot' out now! I am your every sin Every single thing that I abhor is what I have become I am the violence (Let me die like a worm) Every single thing that I abhor is what I have become
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