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victorian age characteristics

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dramatically. The industrial revolution, the railway age, steam engines were being used in mines, factories and ships. During this time period, characters in many novels had common qualities, such as: hard work, perseverance, love, and luck because people wanted to teach moral lessons (“Victorian Era Literature Characteristics”). Great  uses  of  mechanicl  devices  is  a  result  of  industria  revolution  . More on utilitarian ‘happiness': ‘Happiness' was difficult to define in this context: It did not mean a temporary personal emotion but people's well-being or advantage, It was argued that obeying laws brought happiness, and therefore to obey laws welcomed by a large number of people was to multiply happiness, The utilitarian principle still underlies all democratic law to some extent, insofar as laws reflect the will of Parliament, which represents the people and therefore can claim to enact laws that promote the greatest happiness of the greatest possible number. The Victorian Period officially began in 1837, the year in which Queen Victoria became the English monarch. Additionally, in 1851, the Great Exhibition which displayed the best innovations of the 19th century was also organized which was the first of its kind. It lasted during the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901. changes in medicine during the nineteenth century, with increased The world of Victorian writers 1837 - 1901, The world of Shakespeare and the Metaphysical poets 1540-1660, Romantic poets, selected poems: context links, Thomas Hardy, selected poems: context links, Text specific further reading and resources, Social, political and economic characteristics of Victorian Britain, The need for schooling and the care of orphans and other deprived children, Cruelty to children and the corruption of children by criminals, The problems created by emphasis on social class and newly acquired wealth. (1827-1912). Also, the demand for goods like food, clothes, and housing increased substantially as a consequence of the increase in population from 16 million to 37 million. In Victorian England, the rich were very well off and had a lot of putative luxuries. The Victorian Age was characterised by rapid change and As a matter of expediency, these dates are sometimes modified slightly. There are more characteristics of Victorian society. The rich were well off while the poor were complete opposites. Although the rich had great lives, I would not wish to live in that time period. However, teaching morals was. THE VICTORIAN AGE. The usual picture was the sound of the brass band being played while people walked leisurely through parklands. It  was  an  age  full  of  new  activities  and  invents  'A  Communication  Revolution' came  about  which  involved  not  only  modes  of  transportation  ,eg;- Raiways  and   steamships  but also  the  press .The  telegraph  and  telephone  altered  perseptions  of  time  and  space,  by the  mid  1850  the  whole  country  had  been  unified  by  a  network  of  railway  and  telegraph . This period not only changed the thought process of society, it also changed the fine arts that the culture produced. Although the most controversial theme throughout the story is Stokers opinion on women during the Victorian era. Increasing literacy stimulated growth The Victorian Age was marked by an extreme difference to convention which appear almost aburd to latter generation , for example -it was thoughtindecorous for a man to smoke in public or for a lady to ride a bicycle . The  new  commercial  energy  was  reflected  in the  greatexhibition  whuch  was  greated  as  the  inaguration  of  new  of  prosperity  trade  and  export  of  goods  resulted  the  growing  middle   classes  especially  enjoy  great  prosperity . Poets of that time tackled many of the prevailing issues of the era and one of these many issues was child labour; therefore, it was widely expressed in Victorian poems. and in exporting it throughout the British Empire. Apart from this, even antiseptics were introduced which were in the form of Carbolic acid (phenol). exploration, by the opening up of Africa and Asia to the West, yet were “A wealthy family… would have lived in a large house with, Are the Victorians Romantics? Lastly, the Great Britain was also struck by The Great Social Evil which was none other than prostitution. developments her son in 1853 - and in antiseptics, pioneered by Joseph Lister Brass bands and The Bandstand became well known. This era can also be referred to as the Fusion era because of its romantic and modernist styles of writing (“Victorian Era Literature Characteristics”). The moral fevour of the Victorians is clearly apparent in there writings especially in the writings of Tennnyson and the novel of Dickens . While this view Additionally, this era was also famous for the rising rate of child labor in mines and factories. The Victorian Era was a period spanning Queen Victoria’s reign from 1837 to 1901. Queen Victoria (1819-1901) was the first English monarch to see her name given to the period of her reign whilst still living ().The Victorian Age was characterised by rapid change and developments in nearly every sphere - from advances in medical, scientific and technological knowledge to changes in population growth and location. The national railway network stimulated travel and leisure This was allegedly used as early as 1851. Copyright © crossref-it.info 2020 - All rights reserved, An ethical system of thought championed by Jeremy Bentham which claims that the best policies are those that are most beneficial for as many people as possible. Victorian Era characteristics: Britain becomes powerful and rich, Victorian Era characteristics: Architecture, art, and culture, Improved communication and transport was a distinctive feature, Victorian era characteristics: Scientific progress, Not so good characteristics of Victorian England, Top 8 Victorian Era Poems That Must Be Read, Victorian era last name generator: Random last and first names. This rapid transformation significantly affected the country; it turned from an age of confidence and optimism to that of economic prosperity. The celebrated principle, “the greatest good of the greatest number” was the governing rule of the utilitarian thought on morals, law, politics and administration. There were notable medical breakthroughs in anaesthetics - famously 1. One of the most influential cultural changes was called the Victorian period. and spread of political movements, most notably socialism, liberalism Many people believed that Britain was leading the world into a new and better age: The benefits of wealth created through industrial development. Goods could now easily be transported by steamships and railways which resulted in facilitating trade. specialisation and developments in surgery and hospital building. the failures of the Boer War. The  other  side  of  the  picture of  commercial  expansion  was  the  scolid  conditions  of  new  industrial  towns , the prevalence  of  sloums ( proverty , dert ,disease ) and  the  exploitationof  cheap  labour  often  women  and children  .By  side  by side there were many  enlightened and  sensitive  men and  women  who  champianed  the  cause  of   poor  and  oppressed  and  supurred  forward  the  introduction  of   social  legislation  on  there behalf . very helpful but sorry to say i encountered some mistakes regarding spellings ...please amend that .......appreciated your efforts...love from Pakistan. mood: an age that began with a confidence and optimism leading to the family. Also, housing became difficult thereby resulting in overcrowding and development of slums. The rapid changes of the time benefited some people long before others. Victorian literature is largely characterized by the struggle of working people and the triumph of right over wrong, which do in part can be hard to decipher at times. The Victorian age was a turbulent period which, in many ways, saw itself as a time of confident progress. throughout the century. of specialised workhouses and asylums for the most vulnerable members Queen  Victora   came  to  the  throne   of   England  in 1837  and  and died  in  1901 .her  reign  was  the  longest in  British  History. technological knowledge to changes in population growth and location. The Victorian age took its name from Queen Victoria. This period brought about the much-needed prosperity in the Great Britain. The Victorian  Age  was  marked  by  an  extreme  difference   to  convention  which  appear  almost  aburd  to  latter  generation  , for  example  -it  was  thoughtindecorous  for  a  man  to  smoke  in  public  or  for  a lady  to  ride  a  bicycle  . She became the first monarch to be photographed. 'Wuthering  Heights'  by  Emily bronte  ,by George  Eliot  are  some  of  the   great  novels  .the  novels  prodused  were of  a  high  standard . by Anne Shepherd. Photography also emerged during this period, the first photograph being that of Queen Victoria herself. Poverty, injustices, starvation, slums (working class). During this period, the novel made a rapid progress. The Victorian Age  was in general an age of peace  .There was a few  colonia worse  but  they  did  not  seriously  disturb the nationallife . However there was a huge controversial issue during that time about women. In fact, this age was named after her as she was the longest reigning monarch till Queen Elizabeth II. Being filled with various types of thoughts, the Victorian period paved the way for modern times. A great example of this transition into modern times is a literary, Browning and Morality: The Victorian Era The novel was written in 1897, a time where chastity, and etiquette were expected to be demonstrated by every model citizen. serve to give a definitive view of what it meant to be "Victorian". The  reform  bill  of  37 , which morethan  doubled  the electrate , extended the  franchise  to  include  many  male  members  of  the  industrial  working  class . Writers  seemed  ancious to  be  'Moral ' and this  tendency  and  moral  produced  public  that  denounced  novels  like   Jane  Eiyre  and  Wuthering  Heights  which  Pickwick  heros. There was  a  revolution  in  comercial enterprize,  due  to  the  great  increase  of  markets. Agnosticism was a means of identifying the scepticism that stemmed from the inability to logically support the existence of spiritual beings. Very Useful knowledge about Victorian Age. Hence, this period is also called as the Golden period in the British history. In London, particularly, it was reported that the age of the girls who entered this business was ranged from 15 to 22. Victorian Time 6. The realisation that God’s existence is neither observable nor provable drove society into a state of uncertainty. Many  writers  protest  against   the  deadening  effect  of  the  conventions , eg ;- Carle  and  Mathew  Arnold  . Als Viktorianisches Zeitalter (auch Viktorianische Epoche, Viktorianische Ära) wird in der britischen Geschichte meist der lange Zeitabschnitt der Regierung Königin Victorias von 1837 bis 1901 bezeichnet. illustrate that society was disparate and that no one feature can

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