On those days, elementary school students will sit through roughly three hours of video instruction. This plan outlined guidance on instructional and service delivery for the 2020-21 school year. We will follow strict safety and health protocols to minimize health risks for students and staff. Mondays will be set aside for independent learning, although some students may receive teacher-directed specialized instruction or intervention, if educators determine that they need it. UPDATE (July 24): At their July 21 meeting the Fairfax County School Board voted for full-time remote learning for students. View answers to common questions about Child Find, evaluations, reevaluations, eligibility, IEPs, 504 Plans, and special education instruction. Fairfax County Public Schools 2020-2021 Standard School Year Calendar NT 8 31 8 SP TW TW SD TW TW H Approved Revised 8/4/2020 H H H QE, ER ER QE, ER QE, ER TW H July 23, 2020 YE TW H For Employee Work Schedules, Reference Notice 4421 NT SP TW ER SD SD SD SD TW SD SD SD. Fairfax Education Association, which represents hundreds of FCPS teachers and staff, believes that a return to in-person learning should not occur until a vaccine or treatment is widely available. 0000005720 00000 n 0000005835 00000 n View the questions from staff and answers from FCPS about the 2020-21 school year about topics including leave, telework, calendars, health and safety, distance learning, instruction, substitutes, school supplies, and mail deliveries. 0000009485 00000 n The week will include 4 days of live, face-to-face online instruction with teachers Tuesday through Friday. Digital Citizenship: Shared Responsibility, G Suite Information for Students and Parents, Student Information System (SIS) for FCPS, SIS Parent Account - Weekly Progress Report Emails, Student Information System (SIS) - ParentVUE Mobile App, Student Information System (SIS) - StudentVUE Mobile App, Student Information System (SIS) – StudentVUE, Student Information System - SIS Parent Account Overview, Office of Auditor General - Audit Reports, Essential Standards for School Year 2020-21, Secondary English Language Arts Essential Standards, Secondary Mathematics Essential Standards, Secondary Social Studies Essential Standards, Distance Learning Plan Supports for English Learners (ELs), Frequently Asked Questions for Transportation Employees, In-Person Instruction Update for Small Groups, Reopening Schools Plan - Complete Information, In-School Learning with Health and Social Distancing, Return to School - Frequently Asked Questions for Staff, Return to School FAQs - Special Education, Student Health and Safety Guidance Document, View the Distance Learning Plan - Complete Information. FCPS has developed a plan for continuity of learning with supports for students with disabilities during distance learning. Currently, the school is distributing meals at more than 50 permanent and pop-up sites, a full list of which is available here. 0000045023 00000 n Teachers will have planning time on Mondays and will provide intervention supports for selected students that we hope can be provided in-person. 0000007648 00000 n 0000010669 00000 n A message from the superintendent about the ransomware attack on Fairfax County Public Schools.Superintendent Will Present Revised Proposal for TJHSST Admissions Process in November Superintendent Scott S. Brabrand will present a revised admissions process proposal for Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology next month. “It has been recommended that collaborative teams reevaluate grading design and policies” to accommodate all-virtual learning, the spokeswoman said, and that work is ongoing. The material being covered this year is essentially the same as in other years, a spokeswoman said. “I want you to know that we are working hard to prepare for those return to school scenarios,” Dr. Scott Brabrand said in a Wednesday night virtual town hall for FCPS staff and parents. Health screening questionnaires and health screening commitment forms are available in all languages. More information on the 2020-2021 curriculum is available here. FCPS Operational Approach FCPS has enhanced is approach for 2020-21 and is providing new options to meet family and staff needs SIS enables a parent to access information about his/her child’s attendance, class performance, course materials and more. “If a fall in-person ceremony cannot be held for health and safety reasons, then we will consider scheduling the face to face ceremony in the winter or next spring,” Brabrand said. 0000003723 00000 n The school system is recommending that families contact local Internet service providers to discuss bandwidth needs, which are influenced by the number of devices attached to the network, as well as the activity on those devices. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Second Story Pivots to YouTube for First Virtual Fundraiser, Earn a Security-Related Degree at the Schar School with the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation Scholarsh…, Early Voting Turnout Soars in McLean Amid Contentious Presidential Race, Falls Church Homicide Under Police Investigation, Fairfax County Public Schools Unveils Graduation Plans for Seniors. We began the 2020-21 school year with virtual learning for all students on September 8. The academic year begins with all students participating 5 days per week in virtual learning. 0000035880 00000 n “We share the disappointment that the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent school closure placed on our senior class.”. Información sobre la asistencia: las ausencias cuentan, Causas comunes de la mala asistencia y apoyo correspondiente, Cómo fomentar la asistencia escolar en primaria, Cómo fomentar la asistencia escolar en secundaria, Derechos y responsabilidades de los estudiantes, Guidance for Parents of Students with Disabilities, Important Topics to Discuss with Your Child, Interventions and Disciplinary Procedures, Nondiscrimination / Americans with Disabilities Statement, Student Rights and Student Responsibilities, Student Rights and Responsibilities - Elementary Quick Guide, Student Rights and Responsibilities - Secondary Quick Guide, Americans with Disabilities Act / Reasonable Accommodations, The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA), Portrait of a Graduate Presentations of Learning, Strategic Plan: Closing the Achievement Gap Framework, Strategic Plan Goal 4: Resource Stewardship, Elementary School Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), Middle School Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), High School Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), Advanced Academic Programs Family Resources, Advanced Academics Identification and Placement, A Holistic Case Study Approach for Identification: Matching Students with Services, Review of the Fairfax County Public Schools Advanced Academic Programs Executive Summary, Alternative and Nontraditional School Programs, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), Pathway to the Baccalaureate and Pathway Connection, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)/Responsive Instruction (RI), Special Education Instruction - Contact Information, Assessment Options for Students with Disabilities, Earning an Applied Studies Diploma (Career and Transition Services), Education for Employment for the Office (EFEO), Work-Based Learning (Career and Transition Services), Assistive Technology Support for Students with Reading Difficulties, Assistive Technology and Executive Functioning, Assistive Technology and IEP Considerations, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages - ESOL, Adult and Community Education (ACE) Student Services, Adult Enrichment & Special Interest Classes, Apprenticeship, Trade and Industry: Building Maintenance, Apprenticeship, Trade, and Industrial: Carpentry, Apprenticeship, Trade, and Industrial: Glazier, Apprenticeship, Trade, and Industrial: HVAC-R, Apprenticeship, Trade, and Industrial: Heavy Equipment Operator, Property Maintenance Technician Certificate Program, Trade & Industrial Licensure and Recertification, School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten, Advanced Academic Level IV Center Locations, Advanced Academic Level IV School Assignments, Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies, Differentiated Lessons in Areas of Academic Strength, Assessing Special Populations in High School, Determining Quarter and Final Grades (Secondary Grading and Reporting), Grading Assignments and Assessments (Secondary Grading and Reporting), Grading Design (Secondary Grading and Reporting), Assessing Special Populations in Middle School, Procedures for Student Complaints and Appeals, Relevant Policies and Regulations for Reference, Taking High School Courses in Middle School, Graduation Requirements and Course Planning, First Time Ninth Graders Prior to 2011-12, First Time Ninth Graders in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, Graduation Requirements: First Time Ninth Graders in 2013-14 through 2015-16, Graduation Requirements: First Time Ninth Graders 2016-17 Through 2017-18, Graduation Requirements: First Time Ninth Graders in 2018-2019 and Beyond, Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB) Test Fees, Description of IB Diploma Program and AP Program, International Baccalaureate: Middle Years Program (IBMYP), JROTC (Junior Reserve Office Training Corps), Full-Time Advanced Academic Program, Grades 3-8 (Level IV), Middle School Immersion Transition Program, Camps and Institutes: Elementary Institute for the Arts (E-IFTA), Camps and Institutes: Institute for the Arts (IFTA), Camps and Institutes: Tech Adventure Camp, International Study Travel and Service Learning Program, Student Activities and Athletics Contact Information, Teachers for Tomorrow Program (T4T) , Field Experiences for Teachers in Training, 5-year Virginia Professional Licensure Renewal, Adding, Changing, or Removing an Instructional Licensure Endorsement(s), FCPS Instructional Licensure: Licensure - Topics of Continuing Interest, Important FCPS Instructional Licensure Deadlines, Instructional Licensure: News and Updates, Great Beginnings: The Teacher Induction Program, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, ERFC Retirement Forms, Publications and Resources, Tax-deferred Savings Plans when Leaving FCPS, IRS Expands Mid-Year Change Opportunities for FSA Plans, Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Background Checks for Volunteers and Mentors, Workforce Development Partnerships (including STEM and STEAM), Policies and Regulations Impacting Partnerships, Design & Construction Services – Current Solicitations, Facilities Management – Current Solicitations, Adult and Community Education Registration, Advanced Academic Programs - Level IV Appeals, Advanced Academics Identification and Placement for Students New to FCPS Boundaries (Including Military Families), For Students New to FCPS Boundaries (Including Military Families), High School Academies and Specialized Programs, Parents' Rights in Fairfax County Public Schools, Child Care Hardship - Student Transfer Application, Child of FCPS Employee - Student Transfer Application, Family Relocation (A) Prior to Relocation into Requested School Boundary - Student Transfer Application, Family Relocation (B) for Remainder of School Year - Student Transfer Application, High School Curricular Program (AP, IB and World Languages) - Student Transfer Application, Medical, Emotional, or Social Adjustment Student - Student Transfer Application, Resident on Military Installation - Student Transfer Application, Senior Status - Student Transfer Application, Sibling at Requested School - Student Transfer Application, Student Transfer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Apprenticeships and Training - College and Postsecondary Options, College - College and Postsecondary Planning, Employment - College and Postsecondary Options, Financial Aid and Scholarships - College and Postsecondary Options, Gap Year - College and Postsecondary Options, Military - College and Postsecondary Options, Test Preparation Resources - College and Postsecondary Options, Scholarships and Enrichment Opportunities, Booster Club, PTA/PTO Managed, Fee-Based Classes, Clinics, Leagues, and Youth Camps, Community Use Availability, Fees and Hours, Employee Wellness Classes in FCPS School Facilities, Youth League Pictures in School Facilities, Early Literacy Program for African Heritage Families, Early Literacy Program for Arabic Speaking Families, Early Literacy Program for Korean Speaking Families, Early Literacy Program for Spanish Speaking Families, Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), Líneas de teléfono informativas para padres de FCPS, Đường dây Điện thoại Cung cấp Thông tin cho Phụ huynh của FCPS, خطوط هواتف مدارس مقاطعة فيرفاكس الحكومية لاستعلامات أولياء الأمور, FCPS Resources - Topics for Parents and Educators, Free Consultations with Parent Resource Center Liaisons, Register for Free Workshops - Parent Resource Center, FCPS Text Messaging for Parents and Students, School Bus Eligibility, Safety, and Routes, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Programs, Virginia Department of Health (VDOH) Youth Survey, Virginia School Climate Survey Information, Prices, Lunch Account Prepayments and Refunds, Balancing Your School Work and Your Home Life, How to Get Through the Loss of a Friend or Loved One.
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