New arcade games and the most popular free online games are added every day to the site. You can slide through the games and pick the one you like. Batman Lego Alfred's Bat Snaps is a quick decision game where you take on role of Batman's helper on a mission to take some photos of the good guys. Battle your way to the top of the leaderboard with teams of iconic heroes from the LEGO themes you love and prepare for action-packed RPG campaigns that will take you all the way from the high seas to space. After an explosion begins to destroy the factory, the Dynamic Duo is rescued by Superman. Relive the galaxy's greatest adventure in LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™. Having no way out, Batman reluctantly allows Robin to call Superman for help and they escape the collapsing cave. Right now, you can get three Batman games for free at the, Start your LEGO game on your computer and play for a bit to level up before you invite your friends to join :), Create a Party in Parsec and approve the LEGO game during the creation phase, Take the big link in Parsec, and share it with your friends. The Justice League arrive to help Batman and Superman and successfully stop and destroy the robot. There have been 298 likes from 339 votes on this game. Catch Catwoman and recover the most valuable diamond Gotham City. Lego Batman - DC Super Heroes Game Online Free - The New Adventures of Batman in Lego universe happen on the roofs of buildings. The movie is now playing in theaters. This game is notable for being the first LEGO game … The LEGO series doesn’t support online multiplayer, but with Parsec, every game can be played online with your friends — all you have to do is send them a link, and they can join your game.This works with any LEGO game as well as any game that supports multiplayer. ", Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. With all of the Arkham inmates, Lex Luthor, and Joker captured, Batman says it is good for him to have friends he can call on in times of need. Back at the Batcave, Batman is trying to figure out Luthor's next move when suddenly they are attacked by Lex Luthor and Joker. Batman and Superman then attack the robot again and force it to crash. They all then decide to repair the Batcave as Green Lantern shoots a beam of green energy into space where he calls some of the other Green Lanterns to help. LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars is a fun online Nintendo DS game that you can play here on Games HAHA. [STRATEGIC RPG BATTLES] Create the LEGO mashup of your dreams! THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE | Fun & Games @realLEGOBatman Epic Games released three LEGO Batman Games at the end of September for FREE to go along with three great Arkham games. After getting deep in the heart of the fortress-like building, Luthor reveals a giant Joker-esque robot and flees back to Gotham. You play Batman who's trying to prevent the escape by throwing batarangs at balloons, trying to pop as many of them in order to land the foe. LEGO Batman: The Video Game is an action-adventure video game released back in 2008 for multiple gaming consoles including a touch DS version for the Nintendo DS (NDS) handheld gaming console. This works with any LEGO game as well as any game that supports multiplayer. Play through 45 action-packed missions with over 90 iconic Marvel characters! Play as the caped crusader and fight against hundreds of thugs hired by the most vicious villains in Gotham City. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. This game is already available on batman games only for an individual play and here you can play it as a part of a game pack, but essentially it's the same game. Batman is thrown off after confronting Lex Luthor and Superman saves him. Batman then learns what the Joker was up to. Stop Joker's Escape is basically a bloons popping game, in which Joker, being equipped with jet-packs and a bunch of colorful balloons, is trying to escape the city. Your favorite minifigures and sets are busting out of the box in the most vibrant turn-based RPG ever assembled. In Lego Batman Dolphin Rider Batman wears a rubber ducky floatie to surf on the dolphin's back through the rings. All they need is Parsec and a computer. Will you be able to capture all the dangerous criminals and send them back to the Arkham Asylum? Play the role of LEGO Batman and defeat iconic villains like the Joker, Poison Ivy, and the Penguin in this fun action-packed game – LEGO Batman: The Video Game! Using Joker's special gases, he can make everyone agree with him and win the Presidency. - See more at: Alfred's Bat Snaps.
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