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A volley was heard, and some bullets whistled past, while others plashed against something. But all this is very selfish, I have heard some of my townsmen say. Suddenly the strange sound of a far-off whistling and thud was heard, followed by a boom of cannon blending into a dull roar that set the windows rattling.

She hadn't heard the demon drop from the top of the building to land a few feet behind her. Everybody had heard of Periander, king of Corinth. They heard the tramping of horses and the voices of a number of men.

I backed it up, stuttering it back and forward until I heard Howie's voice. I was reaching for his hanging suit when I heard an automobile roll up the driveway. She heard them coming, the sound of creatures crashing through the forest. They didn't even take anything, from what she heard. Brandon Westlake heard him as he climbed the steps and joined them. She heard the beastly snarl and caught the blurred mass of darkness, punctuated only by two flashes of silver, as Rhyn flew by her.

She heard the sound of a weapon scraping a scabbard behind her and turned.

He didn't tell her he'd heard Joseph himself call the Jeep rental dealer earlier. When I heard he was your father, I was so excited that I finally had a father-in-law that I could talk to.

"My dear," he heard what seemed to him her despairing whisper behind him. Fortunately, her father heard a car drive away so the time of abduction was clearly set. When Pierre reached the fire and heard Platon's voice enfeebled by illness, and saw his pathetic face brightly lit up by the blaze, he felt a painful prick at his heart. She didn't think anyone heard her choked words. I was in the North, enjoying the last beautiful days of the summer of 1896, when I heard the news of my father's death.

Troubled, she dozed, waking when she heard the knock at her door.

We heard of the cruel, unnecessary fighting in the far-away Pacific, and learned of the struggles going on between capital and labour.

Damian heard the uneasy note in her voice and looked her over, his gaze lingering at her hips, where her weapons should've been. In the distance, she heard her cell phone ring. No sooner had he opened his eyes than he heard the voice he least wanted to hear. She heard her voice speaking impulsively. He had never heard of "talking-gloves"; but I explained that she had seen a glove on which the alphabet was printed, and evidently thought they could be bought. Rostov could already see their faces and heard the command: "Charge!" I heard her snarl from behind the wooden door. Down one hallway, she heard the ring of a phone. Every day she assured him of her love, even though he gave no indication that he heard. Hannah continued on the same speech she'd heard every time they were together. This she did by repeating to me as far as possible, verbatim, what she heard, and by showing me how I could take part in the conversation.

He'd heard it in her thoughts even if she didn't speak the words, and her ability to see through him as he did everyone else amazed him. The men heard it as it whistled through the trees and rattled the doors of the abbey. She was already growing impatient, and stamped her foot, ready to cry at his not coming at once, when she heard the young man's discreet steps approaching neither quickly nor slowly. Kris had never heard anything so ridiculous. He heard neither the clock nor the birds. A little later I heard Howie shuffling back downstairs. Kris heard the sickening sound of the demon.s body breaking from the distance and watched the other demons shapeshift to charge the half-demon. I heard Quinn say yesterday that flight to Santa Barbara was full so maybe he drove all the way into Los Angeles to pick them up.

At that moment they heard the sound of the door pulley and footsteps in the hall and anteroom, as if someone had arrived. She heard the sounds of fighting, grunts, growls, and gnashing of teeth. Boris knew nothing about the Boulogne expedition; he did not read the papers and it was the first time he had heard Villeneuve's name. The others had heard it as well and all eyes peered upward. When he saw Mack and heard the details of his disaster he understood that half the campaign was lost, understood all the difficulties of the Russian army's position, and vividly imagined what awaited it and the part he would have to play. As Adrienne stepped off the sidewalk, she heard quick steps from behind. Damian waved to show he'd heard and then took the stairs two at a time to his room. She followed his instructions and traded the file for two prescriptions to drugs she'd never heard of. He heard the pennies jingle in his pocket. Besides, I'd heard the story in general from my mother all my life—not about Paul's involvement, but Josh the randy miner and teenage Edith.

The words weren't out of my mouth when we heard his door open and footsteps retreating down the hall. I only first heard about Howie was when I met him last September. They were just finishing dressing when Dean heard a sound, the door closing directly above, in Fred's room.

Roger said he'd heard it was some investor from out west. Trailsend 1 2241037 We can hear.

Suddenly he thought he heard a strange noise through the door. He.d heard these words more than once over the past few days and couldn.t help the small part of him that agreed. Nobody I talked to ever heard of Dawkins, but Mrs. Worthington said she remembers reading about this Rowland guy. He heard the operator's voice on the telephone. She was breathing hard; it was all she heard.

I think now that he knows you were on the mountain and you suspect something about the vodka, he realizes you heard the siren so he's setting it up to look like it was me, not him, who chased Billy. CK 1 2245054 Can you hear? As I had never read this story, or even heard of the book, I inquired of Helen if she knew anything about the matter, and found she did not.

Several approving voices were heard in the crowd.
Jule looked again towards the garage, growing concerned he hadn't heard a car or garage door motor yet.

She jerked the kitchen door open, not realizing he was close until she heard his voice behind her. He hadn't heard from either Damian or Jule in two weeks. I heard about that affair of hers at the time.

Last October I heard of an unusually bright little girl in Texas. She thought she heard the door to their bedroom close and glanced back. As for reaching the top of the earth, I have never heard that it is possible to do that, and if you succeeded in getting there you would probably fall off. "Goddammit, woman, I heard you the first time!"

Alex must have heard something, but he apparently chose not to share it – even when asked. He heard others as they expertly rappelled down past him to the accident site.

said he, pointing in the direction whence came the sounds of firing. I heard once that an Indian can smell cigarette smoke for six miles. This was the first time that she had heard the word.

It wasn't the first time she'd heard such a thing, but it sounded far worse coming from the devil than it had Wynn.

They could not see the speeding horse, but they heard the clatter of its hoofs far down the road, and they understood the cry, "Up! I heard an infant baby crying, Brenda moaned as she too, began to cry. When Dean persisted, he heard movement, followed by a cough. They, being commonly out of doors, heard whatever was in the wind.

He recognized the procedure but hadn't heard of it being used since before his brother, Darian, had died thousands of years ago. CK 1 2245553 Hear me out.

He heard the unquenchable life in a dying woman. From somewhere nearby, she heard someone else's phone ringing and stepped out of the way, off the path running along the beach. You heard something all the way up in your room. "I have not heard the rumours whereof you speak," replied Philothea. An Appellate Committee, normally consisting of five Lords of Appeal in Ordinary or Lords of Appeal, The court performance target is that cases committed for sentence should be, It has district registries across England and Wales and almost all High Court proceedings may be issued and, This additional control mechanism is not present with civil appeals and means that far fewer criminal appeals are, Stalin agreed to this Percentages agreement, ticking a piece of paper as he, If my life were a Saturday-morning cartoon, you would have, Wellesley was in Ireland in May 1807 when he, When the tuning-fork is brought over a resonant jar or bottle, the beats may be, Many Parisians presumed Louis' actions to be aimed against the Assembly and began open rebellion when they, Cabot led another voyage to the Americas the following year but nothing was ever, It is with a feeling of real affliction that we, He led another voyage to the Americas the following year, but nothing was, Henry and Margaret, who were waiting in York with their son Edward, fled north when they, The ancient Greeks reached the Iberian Peninsula, of which they had, The pupil could pass it on to any schoolmate, In 1953, an Irish government survey, found that 50 per cent of whiskey drinkers in the United States had never, Other connotations from past centuries are sometimes seen, and are sometimes, It is similar to the West Country dialects, During the haunting, strange voices and noises were, With only a little prodding, the blond model seemed to find the black stud's happy button as I, Earlier, 250 more had flown to Rattray beach, nearly all pinkfeet although I saw four greylags and, For they singe such a Genethliacon and byrth verse as was neuer, She had introduced herself to an elderly, shapeless secretary in the front office, but wasn't convinced that the woman had, Absolutely voiceless and baggy-eyed from hours of sour singing, no sleep, and a froggy throat from yelling in ego to be, All four of the southern frogs present I have, I submitted my application for student finance months ago, but haven't, He appreciated the honesty, he appreciated the fact that I rang him and was prepared to be fair dinkum with him, and he, You're the stupidest dunderhead I ever saw or ever, I'm not sure, but judging by the duck farts I, It is doubtless that the old reprobate who sued for his daughter's hand, My informant seemed to look upon the swift as an uncanny bird, and called it by a name I had never, One of the most lyrical and powerful passages of the De Profundis can be, Just as I was preparing to write in my exercise book, I, Sir Christopher Pack did cleave like a clegg, and was very angry he could not be, Don't take this the wrong way, my friend, but I've never, We a' ken that there's tongues in heads, but I ne'er, The first infernal batsqueak of insanity was making itself, If you'd spoken to anyone else about it, you'd have, The mahout used his feet and an ankhus to direct the elephant, as his voice might not be, When Mr Gladstone appeared on the Tyne he heard cheer no other English minister ever, Although he claimed to have been unaware of his men's intentions, this was considered unlikely by those who, He was drawn by the noise of the water, which can be, To tell you the truth, Neidenburg was taken on the 22nd, and I only, Shortly afterwards he asked permission to attack the Royalist stronghold at Tickhill Castle, because he had, But for now, there is no prophet amongst the politicians, and the only prophecies to be, Mr Pinter and The Birthday Party, despite their experiences last week, will be, My father died of starvation in Ireland in the black 47, Maybe you've, First, they prepare by having their confession, This made the telephone practical for longer distances, and it was no longer necessary to shout to be, This time, guests at the household distinctly, With curious onlookers packed into the office as witnesses, faint voices were, The nature of cases referred to the Court of Session will determine which house that case shall be, Judgment was delivered on 3 March 2015 in the last appeal from New Zealand to be.
And at first from afar he heard men's voices and then women's. I heard this news in the morning. She heard it in Wynn's, saw it in the ruthless gleam in his eyes.

God, he was so cute about it—wanting to know if you were a witness, asking all kinds of questions about what you saw and heard. 2. "The only innocent soul in Hell, I've heard," she said and rolled her eyes. I heard it proposed lately that two young men should travel together over the world, the one without money, earning his means as he went, before the mast and behind the plow, the other carrying a bill of exchange in his pocket. "We haven't heard from Mr. Fitzgerald either," Cynthia sighed.

Then through the door she heard Nicholas clearing his throat again and stirring, and his voice said crossly: When his friends heard the gun they pulled the rope quickly and drew him out. Everything we have seen and heard is in the mind somewhere. "I only said that it would be more to the purpose to make sacrifices when we know what is needed!"

Just before Howie was ready to give up, he was startled by a figure he'd not heard enter the house! 1. Jennifer paused so long before answering that Dean thought she'd not heard his question. She heard the phone ring and followed the sound.

I started to open the window to get out of there but I guess he heard me because he kicked down the door and grabbed me and cut me. As I had never heard it, I inquired of several of my friends if they recalled the words; no one seemed to remember it.

She heard the gunshots getting closer, one body at a time. We heard him shriek. He heard how to bring an Immortal back from the dead-dead from past-Death but never saw it done. If any one whom she is touching laughs at a joke, she laughs, too, just as if she had heard it.

She heard the rustling of clothing as he dressed. I was awoken by the gunshot and both of us drove the roads around the perimeter of the property but neither heard nor saw his vehicle. No matter what he said, she'd heard enough about past-Deidre to understand there was much more to their relationship. "That was the doctor," he called as he got close enough to be heard.

As soon as Rostov heard them, an enormous load of doubt fell from him. How often had she heard how dangerous abandoned mines were? There it is again, do you hear?

I heard something in the basement and wanted to see what it was. He had never seen nor heard of sorrow or sickness or poverty. CK 1 3330157 I hear that.

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